
How to Create Insanely Motivated, Confident,
WINNING Athletes While Slashing Your
Workload by 30% This Season!

NEW! The Courage to Win® presents…

The Winning Edge Coach Program for Sports Coaches,
Golf and Tennis Pros, and Performance Consultants

The Winning Edge Coach ProgramUsing this powerful method, you will become a winning edge leader who commands respect from everyone in your sport.

You will create athletes, win titles and championships, collect coaching awards and accolades, and render your
opponents powerless.

Best of all, you will know how to transform your athletes into motivated, confident, team-oriented, WINNING champions in record time.

Dear Coach,

Imagine it’s a Monday before a big competition weekend. You have lunch and then casually log on to your computer.

You watch a video, download two mental toughness drills and print out an inspirational speech, all designed to get your athletes:

no1Fired up for practice all week;

no2Automatically correcting errors in competition (so you don’t have to); and

no3Competing aggressively right out of the gate – not playing it safe.

Next, you read our answer to the question you sent us last week: “Two of my players are fighting about the fact that one of them is not passing. What do I do?”

We give you the exact recipe for solving this problem.

You silently yell Yes! and pump your fist in the air. Your prep time was all of 12 minutes, but your athletes will be collecting gold medals by the end of next weekend.

You don’t have to imagine this.

It can be the reality of your season this year. For years we have been helping coaches build confident, mature, motivated champions, and we can help you too.

“Thanks to your candor, honesty, insight and advice”


CAL WIGSTON, HEAD COACH MEN'S VOLLEYBALL UNIVERSITY OF GUELPHThis past March we made it to the gold medal match knocking off the previous OUA champs in 5 sets. Thanks to your candor, honesty, insight and advice I was prepared to coach the many different personality styles my players had and be successful. You helped me understand myself this year and what I needed to do. I am way more confident in my coaching ability – thanks so much for everything you did to help me prepare for this year.


The Winning Edge Coach Program

The Winning Edge Coach Program

Inside this powerful program, you will discover how to…

Transform athletes in to intensely motivated,
confident, team-oriented winners who consistently
finish in the money.

Your athletes will…

CheckMarkLine up to play for you, hang off your every word, and rush to implement your game plan.

CheckMarkDisplay insane levels of commitment, drive, and work ethic.

CheckMarkImprove their skills, becoming better every time they practice or train.

CheckMarkAscend to the top of the league or rankings, win tournaments, championships, and titles.

CheckMarkStop playing scared and BELIEVE, displaying ultimate mental toughness under pressure.

CheckMarkCease being selfish and work together to reach common goals.

The end result?

You will bring out the best in every athlete you coach while rendering opponents powerless and ineffectual.

As an added bonus, you will finally get the respect and accolades you deserve. Whether you are dubbed “Coach of the Year” or simply the Star-Maker of your sport, you will be the ONE leader all players, parents, and fans revere.

“Lisa delivers your training at the exact level you need.”

Shannon Miller, Olympic Coach, Women's Hockey
shannon_millerGenuine confidence is an absolute necessity if you want to reach your potential. I've worked with Lisa as a personal mental toughness coach and have accessed Lisa's talents in training teams I have coached.

Lisa's work is very effective because she delivers the training at the level the clients need...and it's the type of training that you take with you and use on a daily basis towards success.

Shannon MillerShannon Miller

A Magical Winning Edge Coach Program
That Will Allow You to Create Motivated,
Confident, WINNING Champions

Here at the Courage to Win®, we’ve perfected a method any coach can use to transform his or her athletes…and it won’t take you years, months, or even weeks.

Never again will you have to worry about athletes who are lazy, half-hearted…athletes who don’t listen or respect you…athletes who don’t trust each other…or athletes who lack confidence and just plain don’t believe in themselves.

Our program is called The Winning Edge Coach Program and in it, we are revealing never-before-released secrets for serious coaching success.

The Winning Edge Coach Program

Lisa lovin life on the iceFor those of you who don’t know me, my name is Lisa Lane Brown and I’m an athlete too (in the Canadian ice sport of ringette, similar to ice hockey). I love my sport, but for the first 14 years of competing I was what you’d call a ‘mental marshmallow.’

I had wild confidence swings from one game to the next…I never knew why, and it hurt me all the time. Even when I practiced and prepared with 100% intensity, I’d often find a way to choke in big events.

Other times, I’d start out totally confident, only to face problem after problem – such as a poor start, an opponent who was ‘on fire’, or bad officiating. Pretty soon, I’d get a sinking feeling in my stomach that today wasn’t my day and it would go downhill from there.

My worst moment was losing the National Championship in 1991 with one second left on the clock. If you’ve ever worked hard to reach a goal–only to fail at the very end, you can guess how devastating this was. I had definitely choked in the biggest game of the year.

My coaches and friends said things like, “You just need to believe in yourself,” and “Don’t worry about it. You’ll do better next time.” But no matter what they said, these failures really ate me up inside. Secretly, I knew that my failures had something to do with my mental game, and not just my circumstances. I seriously considered quitting for good.

Fortunately I Was A Very Stubborn Athlete…
Obsessed With Finding “The Answer”

After years of choking too often, I decided to do something about it and embarked on a mission to find answers.

These answers didn’t come overnight. I did all the traditional sports psychology stuff— (some of it was great, but some of wasn’t…and actually made me WORSE by crippling my will to win). I threw out the ideas that didn’t work and spent several years carefully researching and testing new (even radical) mental toughness strategies on myself and other National Team and Olympic athletes in Canada.

My stubbornness paid off. Through trial and error, I discovered mental toughness secrets I never would have thought about winning under pressure — even things that went against traditional sports psychology.

These are secrets that only superstar athletes have figured out and jealously guard from their competitors (not something a guy with a PhD read in a book). These secrets transformed my life as an athlete forever.

In the years since, I’ve worked with over 4,200 recreational, elite, and professional athletes and learned from them exactly what works and what doesn’t to motivate them and bring out their best, consistently.

Recently I challenged myself to create the
simplest, easiest program possible for coaches
to use in creating motivated, confident, focused,
team-oriented champions.

I set out the following criteria:

no1The Program had to work for everyone who used it.

no2The Program had to be ridiculously easy and require hardly any time to use.

The result?

A proven, miraculous method that will transform your coaching results with hardly virtually no extra time required on your part.

Here is just a sample of what’s covered in the Winning Edge Coach Program:

Motivating Athletes

Winning Edge Coach Programdotwithspace22What intrinsic motivation is and how to instill it in all your athletes with no extra time expended by you

dotwithspace224 proven strategies that will get your athletes motivated, committed, and focused in practice and training

dotwithspace22Step by step instructions for imbedding your athletes with the desire to succeed and compete for the entire game, match, or race

dotwithspace22My exact method for getting athletes to open their minds, engage, and try new techniques, tactics, and strategies

dotHow to structure progressions and drills to prevent athletes from ‘going through the motions’ in training

dotwithspace22The communication pattern that instantly gains the interest and respect of ego-driven athletes who ‘think they know better’


Winning Edge Coach Programdotwithspace22The #1 reason athletes and teams lose in close finals and how to keep them from falling into this trap

dotwithspace22How to render opponents powerless and ineffectual against you, even if you have less ‘talent’ than they do

dotwithspace22Simple mental toughness practice drills that condition your athletes to creating winning performances under pressure

dotwithspace22How to implant a winning mindset and self-image inside your athletes so they can defeat ‘favoured’ opponents

dotwithspace22The 2 mistakes a successful athlete or team CANNOT make (or risk being toppled by a hungry challenger)

dotwithspace22Discover the most effective de-brief strategy ever (one that will set you up to bounce back after a tough loss)

Creating Confidence & Mental Toughness

Winning Edge Coach Programdotwithspace22The NEW, easy way to teach skills in sport that allows your athletes to automatically self-correct errors (so you don’t have to)

dotwithspace223 ways to run practices that cause athletes to be fearless when competing

dotwithspace22The secret to keeping athletes positive, patient, and working towards their goals despite setbacks

dotwithspace22Ready-made speeches and routines that will get your athletes psyched up and confident before big games, races, or matches

dotwithspace222 potent strategies for bouncing back in competition after setbacks (really, you can literally make your players’ minds an impenetrable fortress like Alcatraz, hahaha)

dotAdvanced techniques for erasing negativity in athletes who tend to get scared and down on themselves

Team Building

Winning Edge Coach Programdotwithspace22EXACTLY why players become selfish and how to condition them to encourage each other instead

dotwithspace22Why your team chemistry breaks down and how to correct this common problem

dotwithspace226 easy-to-use team building exercises and games that are guaranteed to create trust and acceptance between athletes

dotwithspace22The art of team building in competition – how to maintain trust on the team during tense high pressure events

dotwithspace3Creative tactics that force your athletes to rely on each for support

dotwithspace22The 3 methods that will eliminate the devastating effect cliques and toxic athletes have on your team

Drills, Games, Routines & Pre-Competition Speeches

dotwithspace317 NEW mental toughness practice drills you can use to teach the concepts I’ve just described

dotwithspace3How to make your practices FUN (your athletes will hate to leave!)

dotwithspace22The #1 mistake coaches make in practice that LOWERS their athletes’ confidence (it’s not what you think)

dotwithspace227 pre-game and pre-competition motivation speeches guaranteed to psyche up your athletes in virtually every situation

dotwithspace22What to say in practice and training to get even the most selfish and competitive athletes encouraging each other

dotwithspace3And much, much more!

“I can’t say enough about how this program has positively impacted my approach to coaching”


COREY COWPER, VOLLEYBALL COACHLisa, you won’t believe the impact “The Courage to Win®” had on my Junior Varsity Boys High School Volleyball team (gr10-11). It seemed whenever the team was in a playoff, they just could not win. For 2 full months we worked at skills and techniques to get over that hump of not being able to win the big games. Nothing seemed to work. Here in front of me was an offer to purchase an Ebook, the exercises take only 7 days. I will be honest, I was very skeptical, but it was local to Calgary and I really did not have anything to lose, except the cost of the book! I purchased the book. In 5 minutes I walked through the visualization with them, breaking down the skill to very simple components having them see themselves performing the skill through their own eyes. In a matter of 3 weeks the team went from not being able to win when it counts to losing not being an option, and our focus the entire time was never the win, but rather playing OUR style of game. I can’t say enough about how this program has positively impacted my approach to coaching.

Here are the details of the Courage to Win®
Winning Edge Coach Program:

The Winning Edge Coach Program is a twelve week 1 on 1 coaching program that offers three main components:

no1Hands on, practical, personalized coaching to help you reach your specific goals

no2Training on the winning edge coach method for creating motivated, confident, team-oriented athletes

no3Ready-made drills, games, motivational speeches, and pre-game routines for hands on use with your athletes.

Personalized Coaching

You’ll receive hands on, practical coaching with us based on your goals. Using our proprietary Assessment Tool Questionnaire, we will get to know your strengths, challenges, and goals for this year.

You will then participate in transformative coaching sessions that create a quantum leap in your performance while reducing your workload dramatically.


You’ll receive webinar trainings featuring our proven Winning Edge Coach step-by-step system for creating motivated, confident, team-oriented champions.

These hands on, intimate training sessions will literally skyrocket your skills and confidence by giving you a simple, paint-by-number roadmap for becoming a winning edge coach.

Drills, Routines, Games, and Inspirational Speeches

You’ll receive astonishingly effective tools in the form of mental toughness drills, games, pre-competition routines, and inspirational speeches.

These tools are easy to absorb, entertaining, and inspirational, and will slash your workload by at least 30% this season.

Bonus Gifts

Here’s an overview of the three irresistible Bonus Gifts that accompany The Winning Edge Program:

The Courage to Win® in Sport:
Perform Your Best Under Pressure
Updated and Revised Version

The Courage to Win® in SportThe Courage to Win® in Sport: Perform Your Best Under Pressure System reveals the Amazing Mental Toughness Secrets Hoarded By Superstar Athletes.

…These secrets give you unshakable confidence, eliminate choking, and infuse you with the Courage to Win® in just three hours.

You will learn how to stop killing your own will to win by discovering your innate ability to supercharge yourself with breakthrough confidence during big competitions, giving you the kind of “unfair” mental toughness advantage over your competitors you’ve only fantasized about until now.

With this Bonus Gift, you can provide your athletes with access to this self-directed training program to massively increase their mental toughness knowledge and skill.

A $47.00 value, yours free.

UNLIMITED Free Access to The Courage to Win®
in Sport Inner Circle Membership

UNLIMITED Free Access to The Courage to WinHave you ever wanted to give your athletes practical, inexpensive hands on training that actually WORKED to make them mentally tough – but weren’t sure where to turn?

The Courage to Win® in Sport Inner Circle membership will put your athletes in the top 3% of high achievers using the intangible mental toughness factor by taking you inside the secret black box strategies of champions.

It is “The Place” that will keep your athletes mentally tough — and winning – week in and week out. You gain immediate access to our private, EXCLUSIVE members’ website containing case studies, fantastic examples of “what works”, ongoing teaching of my most important mental toughness strategies….we review every imaginable scenario in sport that you could face and give your athletes the winning strategy.

Your athletes will discover how to build confidence, overcome nerves, stay focused under pressure, motivate yourself and others, and deal with losing — once and for all.

A $19.97 monthly value, yours free.

Marketing Mastery for Coaches
Valued at $497.00

Winning Edge Coach ProgramHave you ever considered selling your knowledge about winning, confidence, and team building to groups and organizations?

There is a rabid, hungry market for leaders willing to share their message with the world, and you can easily be one of them.

This Bonus Gift provides brilliant marketing training that will teach you how to sell your consulting and speaking services for fees.

Here is a glimpse of the highlights contained in these teachings:

  • Coaching Services & Speaking Packages. Pro strategies for setting your fees and creating coaching packages including sample industry packages.
  • The Guerrilla Warrior Launch Technique. How to launch your consulting business on a cheapskate budget using inexpensive, foolproof advertising tests.
  • Advertising Magic. How to write magnetic, compelling ads or sales copy that converts prospects into paying clients with astonishingly high rates – including Lisa’s $5000 online campaign.

A $497.00 value, yours free.

Weekly LIVE Office Hours Call

Winning Edge Coach ProgramJoin us live every week for an office hours call and get all your questions answered from the Courage to Win team – nothing is off limits.

In the first week, for example, we’ll reveal the most effective team building exercise in existence for building trust and erasing barriers between athletes.

A $67.00 value, yours free.

How To Be A Winner in Sport Audio Program

Sport Audio ProgramThe How to Be A Winner in Sport Audio Program will literally program your athletes to win by finally learning how to see themselves as a true winner in sport.

All they have to do is hit Play on the audio and they will automatically learn how to:

Be aggressive! They’ll score winning goals, close out matches, achieve personal bests, and break records in their biggest events – even in the dying minutes.

Stop playing ‘not to lose’ and automatically go for it instead.

Truly see and recognize their massive talent, perhaps for the very first time.

Recognize the key moments in competition and raise their game during them.

Gain an unwavering belief in their ability to win, no matter who their opponents are.

Develop the will to win, including the ability to destroy rivals even without special advantages
over them such as speed, superior technique, or stamina.

Break free of doubts that they are ‘not quite good enough’ regardless of past mistakes or failures.

A $24.95 retail value, yours free.

Power Point Presentation & Handouts

The Courage to Win® in Sport
Perform Your Best Under Pressure

Perform Your Best Under PressureYou get the power point and handouts to Lisa’s signature presentation, The Courage to Win in Sport: Perform Your Best Under Pressure.

Using this power point presentation and handouts, you will be able to teach the amazing mental toughness secret formula that will allow your athletes to deliver peak performance and win consistently.

Here is what your athletes will learn:

• The Courage to Win® formula for peak performance and winning
• The mental error of PRESSING and why it destroys your athletes’ confidence
• How to eliminate fear, correct errors in competition, and restore self-trust
• How to release nerves, fear, and performance anxiety before competing
• How to trigger breakthrough confidence

A $397.00 value, yours free


The Winning Edge Coach Training Program Will Be Limited.
Only 25 Individuals Will Be Accepted Every Month

Grab Your Spot While You Still Can

Who This Program is NOT For

This program is NOT for athletes. It is for sports coaches working with athletes ten years of age and over. It is also not for business leaders. We have specialized programs for both athletes and business leaders so please check those out in our program catalogue.

Summary of Benefits

Here is a final summary of benefits of Winning Edge Coach Program:

You’ll Save Yourself Hundreds of Hours of Work. If you try to figure this out for yourself, it will cost you hundreds of hours (and you may never be able to). In the process you’ll save your athletes from spinning their wheels for years too.

You’ll Model The Best. When I say that, I don’t mean me (though I am considered one of the world’s best mentors for coaches and I have the testimonials to prove it). What I mean is that you’re going to learn the secrets that ONLY winning edge know – because that’s where we got this method.

Instant Success and Respect. You going to get instant respect and rise to the top of your sport FAST. No more feeling exhausted by trying to motivate, cajole, and pep talk your athletes into being motivated, driven, or confident. It will flow easily and smoothly, without any extra effort on your part.

Personal Fulfillment. Now you can finally stop wondering what those seemingly ‘special’ leaders are doing to bring out the best in their athletes. You’ll have the personal fulfillment of knowing you are excellent at what you do.

There’s Even A Remarkably

The FIRST Guarantee: Money Back

guaranteeThe best part is that you don’t have to decide now if The Winning Edge Coach Program is right for you. Just complete the training–and if you aren’t satisfied, just let us know and we’ll give you every cent of your money back.

The only stipulation we have is that you complete the training before determining its value for you. Here’s why: There are a few people out there who take a course on a lark. These people don’t have much of a chance of success. I only want to deal with people who genuinely want success…therefore the only way you can judge the quality of this training is to receive all the information and actually use it in your coaching.

In the end, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Think about this guarantee for a minute: It’s exactly the same as taking home a new car, test driving it for two weeks, then returning the car and have the dealer say to you, ‘Ok, here is all your money back, and by the way, you can keep the car too.’

It’s the same thing, because we I can’t take back what you’ll learn from us over the course of your program. (It’s just like in the magic industry. You absolutely can’t return magic tricks, videos, props, etc. because once you know the trick you got the value.)

The SECOND Guarantee: Results

Results GuaranteeWe promise that if you complete the training as set out by the program, and do not achieve the results you hoped, we will extend your program.

We will continue to work with you at no additional charge until you do formulate a clear, practical action plan that will WORK for the goals you’ve set out for yourself.

Here’s a recap of what you’re going to get:

No.1Personalized coaching tailored to your individual coaching challenges and needs.

No.2Training webinars revealing the Winning Edge Coach Method – Videos and online trainings that guide you step-by-step through your program.

No.3Drills, pre-competition routines, inspirational speeches, and games to use with your athletes that will slash your workload by 30% this season.

No.4The Courage to Win in Sport Program that reveals the mental toughness secrets hoarded by superstar athletes.

No.5FREE monthly access to Lisa’s Courage to Win in Sport Inner Circle membership with articles and audios on Building Confidence, Overcoming Nerves, Focusing, Dealing with Losing, Motivating Others, and Teambuilding

No.6Marketing Mastery for Coaches, which shows you how to package and sell your speaking and consulting services as a paid mental game professional.

No.7Weekly LIVE Office Hours Call where you can ask your questions and submit your challenges for individual feedback.

No.8 How to Be A Winner in Sport Audio Program to give to your athletes to program them to create an unstoppable, winning self-image.

No.9The powerpoint presentation and handouts to our signature presentation, The Courage to Win in Sport: Perform Your Best Under Pressure so you can teach your athletes this amazing formula.

A Final Thought

The last thought I’d like to leave you with is this: you may spend all of your time helping and empowering others, but you deserve great coaching too! This program will energize you, fulfill you, and set you up for years of success.

I would really like to help you take your coaching skills and success to the next level. The next step is up to you.

To your success,

Lisa Lane Brown, M.APS: What would your life be like if you had the ability to create motivated, confident, team-oriented champions – consistently?

This is the ability that separates coaches who reach their goals from coaches who do not.

Lisa Lane Brown, M.A.
Author, The Courage to Win®

PPS: Here are some common questions people ask about this training:
Q. I’m swamped! How much time does the Winning Edge Coach program take?
A. None, because a) all of the strategies we will share with you can be implemented inside the work you are already doing with your athletes and b) we are going to focus on strategies and techniques that will slash your workload this season.Plus, we’ll be providing you with ready-made drills, exercises, games, routines, and speeches that save you time. You will want to set aside about three hours a month to learning the Winning Edge Coach method – but it will be the most enjoyable time of your month.A final thing to keep in mind: most coaches don’t have any time because they’re running around doing everything they can to “ensure” that next win. If you simply follow this method, winning will take care of itself, and you will stop engaging in non-productive activities that are sucking your time (yet producing very little results).AND: If you’re considering this training but are worried about your time, remember that most people watch between 30-40 hours of T.V. per week. You’re probably not doing that, but here’s the exciting part: by reducing your T.V. time by just a couple of hours a month, you are getting a coach who can help you unlock your potential and realize your deepest leadership aspirations.
Q. I already have a solid reputation and good winning record. Why should I bother with this training?
A. That’s great and many people envy you. However, do you feel your potential is being reached? What more could you accomplish if you allowed yourself to be mentored by someone with an entirely different knowledge base? The most successful people in this world are always learning, and this program will open up a whole new world of expertise for you.
Q. I don’t have an unlimited budget for self-improvement. Your training costs more than a cup of coffee. How can I be sure I’ll get my money’s worth? Who has this worked for in the past?
A. I don’t blame you for being skeptical or cost conscious. Lots of people are trying to sell worthless information to others by preying on their regret over past failures, which I personally detest. That’s why there are a few important things I want you to know about us.Without bragging, at the Courage to Win we have a very strong reputation for being one of the world’s most effective training organizations for leaders. We have coached thousands of world class coaches and athletes to new heights (in a field where people hate giving testimonials, we have the testimonials to prove it.) We have conducted over 1,300 seminars on mental toughness across North America and run an electronic magazine with over 14,200 subscribers. We are interviewed by the media on subjects like performance enhancement. We are not going to damage our professional reputation by selling you a bad training program.Most people who take this training are financially sponsored by their employers because it immediately improves their leadership skills, results, and energy levels. We can invoice your employer for your tuition fee if you wish.
Q. I already have some of your training programs. What is the difference between these trainings and this one, and why should I take it?
A. There are two main differences. First, there is new, never before released content on the Winning Edge Coach Program that will blow you away and set you up for massive success.Second, there is LIVE coaching from us, which will provide you with unique breakthroughs that you cannot get working on your own.The last thought I’d like to leave you with is this: you may spend all of your time helping and empowering others, but you deserve great coaching too. This program will energize you and fulfill you in addition to setting you up for years of success.