"How to Create Maximum Success, Fulfillment, and Wealth While Doubling Your Time Off"
You Will Finally Discover The REAL Secret To Reaching the Pinnacle of Career and Business Success, Because No One Has Ever Shown You The Truth
From: Lisa Lane Brown
3-time World Champion
Dear Friend,
If you’ve ever been broke or stressed about money, such as not being able to retire when you want, or worried about taking care of your family, or longing for financial freedom…
If you’ve ever had a job you hated and suffered the nagging feeling that you AREN’T doing what you were put on this earth to do (or working with people you actually like)…
If you’ve ever felt insignificant – or even bullied – at work and wondered how to really influence and motivate people so they hang off your every word, line up to promote you or buy from you, and actually start working together…
If you’ve ever had a fantastic business or a business idea, but felt confused and frustrated about to how to make it the massive success you know it could be…
If you’ve ever felt exhausted, like a rat on a treadmill, or just plain burned out…
Then you know how gut-wrenching it can be to feel like your dreams are slowly slipping through your fingers while you stand by, helpless.
I want you to know that you are NOT alone – and that it’s much easier than you think to get back on track and start living your dreams.
In the next few minutes, I’m going to show you how to make an additional $100,000 (or more) every year, create your dream job or business, win friends and influence people, and double your time off.
(A caveat: it is not necessary to leave your current situation to do it! In fact, many people make the career mistake of assuming the ‘grass is greener’ and chop and change too much. You can turn a good situation into a DREAM situation using the principles I’ll share. Of course, you can also fire your boss and move on if that’s what’s right for you).
But first, let me explain the one KEY to business and career success…
The one KEY to Career and Business Success

My name is Lisa Brown and since 1993 I’ve worked with over 7,200 people in North America to help them accomplish amazing things.
In that time I discovered that there is one key to reaching the pinnacle of career and business success, and it’s this: the skill of how to ARRIVE.
The skill of how to ARRIVE is the ability to do work you LOVE for people you like while creating incredible wealth and personal freedom.
You can have more talent and experience than everyone around you, but if you don’t learn the skill of how to ARRIVE, you will never make the money you deserve, do what you love for people you like, or create incredible wealth and personal freedom for yourself.
And that’s only PART of the story.
The truth is that without the skill of how to ARRIVE, it’s virtually impossible to develop your personal greatness in the first place – I’m talking about the kind of impressiveness that makes you the ‘go-to’ person in your field who can command any price, accept only the best projects working with the best people, and set your own schedule.
You will finally manifest the wealth and financial freedom you deserve, because you will be one of the most sought after people in your field, able to command an obscenely high price in the marketplace while setting your own hours.
With wealth comes security for you and your family – no more worrying about bills, debt, or retirement. You have utter control over your life and time… no more punching a clock, being controlled by clients or bosses you dislike, or burning yourself out just to make a few extra bucks.
When you have wealth, your relationships also magically transform. Your spouse, friends and in-laws respect and revere you and you are able to work with people who ‘get’ your genius.
You will know the exact system for creating your dream job or business –
one that makes your heart sing, expresses your gifts, and gives you a genuine sense of fulfillment and contribution.
In your dream job or business, catapulting yourself to the top of your field is like child’s play, because motivating yourself and getting results is as natural to you as breathing.
You also STOP working in projects or jobs that are destined to fail because they are simply wrong for you.
You become a person of true INFLUENCE, able to persuade people to eagerly embrace your ideas and services. People will line up to promote and hire you, start working together in the right direction, and treat you with the respect you deserve.
Never again will you be taken for granted, bullied, or feel ineffectual in the workplace. People will hang off your every word, clamor for your opinion, green-light your projects, and scramble to buy your products or services.
Old fears of rejection will fade away, and you will find it easy to get people to ‘Yes,’ shine in meetings, and resolve conflicts.
You will literally double your time off. Gone will be the days where you feel like a rat on a treadmill with no time or any work/life balance.
Finally, there will be time for what matters – your family, friends, health, and passions. The people in your life will love your newfound freedom…Plus, your time off will be utterly ‘stress free’, because your top priorities are 100% handled. This about this for a minute: not only are you doing work you love, but you also have ample time off for what matters. It’s the ultimate combination.
Being a person of greatness and a true ‘superstar’ will feel completely natural to you, no matter what your past, because of the powerful, unstoppable self-image imbedded deep inside you.
Conflict, setbacks and mistakes that used to rattle you will suddenly become non-issues, even to the point of not bothering you at all! Instead, your personal confidence and motivation will always be there, inside you, ready to carry you to success.
Sadly, the skill of how to ARRIVE is not something you can snap your fingers and
just “decide” to have.
Right now you might be saying to yourself, “Aw, come on. All I need is a little better time management…to think more positively…maybe take a communication course.”
That’s certainly what MOST people out there think – and so they TRY, but all they are doing is putting “band-aids” on the issue – so they make little, if any, progress.
Now, please don’t misunderstand me – there is nothing wrong with time management, positive thinking, or good communication. They are nice. They are very nice.
BUT, if you are prone to procrastination, self-sabotage, low confidence or tend to avoid rejection, failure or change – these techniques will be nothing but sterile, superficial fixes.
They simply will NOT give you the skill of how to ARRIVE at massive career and business success.
In fact, without the right guidance, it can take years of trial and error to build up your career or business even 10-20% more…and it’s easily wiped out if you’re not careful.
If you REALLY want to make incredible wealth, create your dream job or business, win friends and influence people, or just double your time off, you must learn this key skill.
You need to learn the skill of how to ARRIVE.
Luckily, through my own research and personal study, I’ve discovered ways any person can make stunning, potent changes that skyrocket his career virtually overnight.
And here’s the most shocking part…
It is so easy to master the skill of how to ARRIVE that you will soon clue in to something you have suspected for a long time:
Most career or business training has gotten totally messed-up because so-called “experts” would have you believe that it has to be a long, painful struggle to ARRIVE.
The exciting truth is that once you learn the skill of how to ARRIVE, success is FUN, easy, and as natural to you as breathing.
Here’s what this discovery is all about.
The skill of how to ARRIVE is drawn from the simple but little-known secrets of the highest achieving men and women who have ever lived.
I got interested in these secrets because I know what it’s like to feel utterly dejected about your career.
In my early 20s, I fell into a depression because while I knew what I wanted to do with my life (be a speaker + life coach), I had NO IDEA how to make it a reality.
After I graduated from school, I got a research job.
Everyone else seemed to love it, but the day just crawled by for me.
After three years I started to get really scared.
It’s not just that I felt I wasn’t making a contribution or doing what I was put on this earth to do.
It’s that deep down, I knew I was chickening out.
On some level, I was scared to put myself out there.
I remember sitting in the parking lot at 9:30 in the morning (because I never got there early), looking at the door to the building with my head on the steering wheel, thinking, “What’s the matter with you? Why can’t you get out of here?”
That was actually the worst part – doubting myself at a core level.
That was many years ago, and I’m very grateful that change was possible for me. Since then I’ve worked with over 7,200 achievers in 1300 seminars in North America and learned the exact ingredients for reaching the pinnacle of career and business success.
There are four elements to the skill of how to ARRIVE. You must: a) love your work, b) take action and follow through, c) become a master of influence, and d) believe in yourself on a profound level.
The vast majority of people only have one or two of these handled – they ‘dabble’ in the rest.
Why? Because modern “experts” have convinced them that to ARRIVE, they need to start over at the bottom, go back to school, or toil away for years first (not to mention leave their current job or business).
Ah, no.
The four elements skill of the skill of ARRIVING are not only ridiculously simple and easy, but they’ve been under your nose the entire time!

"I had NO idea there was a program out there that could completely affect my entire life!"
As a business owner for 14 years, I felt like I was on the spectrum of “successful” — I had some “wins” but more “losses”… but I would just cover it up. And personally — in my relationship — I was “failing” a little every day too. I was never good enough, and it was a recipe for personal ‘napalm’. Enter Lisa Brown. I had no idea that an individual like Lisa Brown was out there and could completely affect my entire life… professedly and personally like she has done with me. She professionally coached me on taking my corporate business from JV to Varsity level (legit terms). She is an instrumental part of elevating me as a professional but even more importantly, Lisa has influenced my personal entire life and relationship in a positive way. Both of which I am eternally grateful for and look forward to many more years of her guidance, support.
- Lauren Colonna, CEO of OVIS Creative AD Agency
Oprah FIRED!?
We’ve been brainwashed to believe that it’s virtually impossible to get paid a fortune to do what you love.
In reality, it usually takes only one or two simple tweaks to get there.
Case in point: Did you know that Oprah Winfrey originally wanted to be the black Barbara Walters, interviewing people on the news? Oprah actually did get a job as a news anchor, but since she was not an academic or educated in world affairs, she was fired after just eight months.
Instead, Oprah started interviewing people on a daily talk show and her career took off. A slight tweak took Oprah from unemployed to one of the most successful and admired women of the 20th century, doing exactly what she loved.
When you learn the skill of how to ARRIVE, you will know exactly how to tweak your current job, business, or skill set to attract work you love that pays you handsomely.
Becoming A Billionaire?
The next piece of the ARRIVING puzzle is taking consistent action on your goals.
The myth we’ve bought into here is that we need countless books, courses, and therapists to learn how to do this consistently.
Another load of bunk!
Taking action is easy once you know the secret to doing it.
You’ve probably heard of Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook and the youngest billionaire in history. What you may NOT know is that the key to Zuckerberg’s success was indeed taking action.
Once he got the idea for Facebook, Zuckerberg spent 39 days consecutively building the program, beating everyone else to the punch (in the software business, speed is everything).
Research shows that the average person has at least one idea per week that would make him a millionaire if he followed through.
But we sell ourselves short, procrastinate, and wait for someone else to validate the idea. By then, the moment has passed.
Using the skill of how to ARRIVE, you will unleash your natural ability to take action and reach any goal you set for yourself, making it possible to live your life on your own terms.
When you learn the skill of how to ARRIVE, you will know exactly how to tweak your current job, business, or skill set to attract work you love that pays you handsomely.
Mastering Influence
How did Nelson Mandela dismantle the legacy of apartheid and lay the foundation for democracy to South Africa?
How did Mother Teresa, a poor nun, build homes for orphans and nurse thousands of sick people?
How did Mahatma Gandhi lead India to independence and inspire movements for civil rights across the world?
They became masters of influence. Influence is life’s most powerful skill because it allows you to take charge of your life – rather than following the will of others. It also wipes out the fear of rejection and failure utterly, because you can get people to ‘Yes’ with amazing speed.
Yet, few people have this marvelous skill. They assume that if they were not ‘born with it’, mastering influence is a long, pain-staking process.
Nothing could be further from the truth. When you learn the skill of how to ARRIVE, you’ll discover how to become a master of influence simply by being yourself.
The process is not only painless, but fast: you will not have to spend any extra time to get twice the results (in fact I don’t want you investing more time – I want you investing less).
“Start by doing what is necessary, then do what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.”
- Francis of Assisi

Courage to Win coaching was exactly what I needed after going through a major career setback. I was quickly able to identify the root of the problem, eliminate my emotional baggage, and then develop the confidence, personal genius, and influence I needed to succeed. I was truly enlightening and already opened a number of doors for me. I fully recommend the Courage to Win route to success!
- Alison Forsyth, PHD, Harvard University
Breakthrough Confidence & BELIEF in Yourself
Remember tennis champion Pete Sampras?
Pete won fourteen Grand Slam tennis titles and is recognized as one of the greatest players of all time.
But Pete did not start out believing in himself. In fact, when Sampras lost to Edberg in the 1992 U.S. Open, it really ate away at his guts. He kept thinking, “If he didn’t play well, and I didn’t play that well, why did he win?”
Finally Pete came up with the answer: “For the first time, I understood and could articulate the truth: I lost because I had packed it in. And it was part of a pattern.”
Most of us are in the same boat as Pete. We really don’t believe in ourselves.
But that’s not the worst part…the worst part is that the ‘experts’ have told us that it’s impossible to learn how…we’ve been told it’s a mystery that only a precious few champions have ever solved.
I have to confess that this myth burns me up the most. After working with people on this very topic in over 1300 live mental toughness seminars, I can tell you with utter certainty that developing breakthrough confidence and BELIEVING in yourself is quite easy once you know how to do it.
What you are going to do is master the four elements of the skill of how to ARRIVE.
You will gain the ability to do work you LOVE with people you like while creating incredible wealth and personal freedom.
Introducing Lisa Lane Brown’s

In ARRIVE, you’ll participate in an eight week training program featuring audio, video, and written sessions that will give you the skill of how to ARRIVE. Here are the details:
Eight Week Home Study Program Featuring Lisa Lane Brown
Over the course of an eight week training program with me, you’ll be privy to my never-before revealed proven system for putting your career or business on overdrive.
In these intimate webinar trainings, you will create a detailed, paint-by-number roadmap for doing work you love with people you like while creating incredible wealth and personal freedom.
Each session will be approximately 45 minutes in length and include a video tutorial, a Q and A session, an audio recording, and accompanying handouts.
Here is a glimpse of just some of the principles we’ll cover in the ARRIVE training program:
3 Skills to Creating the Wealth You Deserve
To create the wealth you deserve, there are three essential skills you must master: attracting, saving, and investing money.
How to Win Friends & Influence People
Live Your True Purpose and Passion
Double Your Productivity
Breakthrough Confidence & Self-Esteem

"Can’t get out of your own way? Neither could I… Until I started working with Lisa. It is by no means an exaggeration to say Lisa is the most forthright, insightful and challenging life coach anyone could ever dream of. Lisa remembers things about me even I forgot. She will never let me lie to myself. She helps me understand and focus on my goals, and make consistent progress toward them. I succeed far more than I fail, and I owe a great deal of that success to my relationship with Lisa."
- Frank Landi, President And CEO, NSI International Inc.
How Much Is the ARRIVE Career Success Training Program Going To Cost?
Nothing, if you consider it as an investment in your career, business, and financial success rather than an “expense”.
In my view, an investment is something that gives you something back in return when you invest your money in it.
Investments are expected to pay off dividends and financial gains down the road. I consider your investment in my training program to be wise decision in planning for the future growth of your career, financial future, and evolution as a person.
Having said that, I want the program to be accessible to most (and not a ‘rich get richer’ program), so I have economically priced it at $297.
And I’m willing to back the program up with my…12 Month Iron-Clad “No Hassle or Aggravation” Guarantee.
“No Hassles or Aggravation”

If you know me, you know that I always attach a 12 month, iron-clad, “no hassle” results guarantee to my coaching programs.
If you are not happy with your results, I will keep working with you until you have a rock-solid, inspirational plan for your career or business that you are thrilled with.
The only thing I ask (which I’m sure you’ll agree is completely fair) is that you complete your ARRIVE webinar trainings and assignments, and attend the live training.
Second, while this is an eight week program, I understand that life is full of interruptions and complications, which is why you get a lifetime membership to the Private Members Inner Circle.

At this time, I’m only offering the program to my current subscribers (not to the general public). Once it’s filled, we will not be accepting any new applicants.
See you on the other side,
Your friend,
Lisa B.

The Courage to Win changed my life! I graduated from an Ivy League school, got my MBA from Harvard, was successful professionally, but have been aware since my earliest memories that there was an emptiness, a void, that impacted my self worth, and permeated all of my life experiences, in addition to impacting my personal, family and intimate relationships. At 52 I came to Lisa searching for answers and solutions. Lisa carefully guided me into deep self discovery, and stood by me as I reached higher, meaningful levels of self acceptance. I achieved daily and weekly revelations that had true and immediate impact on my life. Lisa changed my life and I am forever grateful that she shared her gifts with me. Choose to work with Lisa and your life can be changed as well.
- Paul Burton, Director National Business Development, Great American Art
Frequently Asked Questions
A. About two hours per week for eight weeks plus thirty minutes if you attend the BONUS Call In Sessions (this does not include the three day LIVE seminar). If you’re considering this training but are worried about your time, remember that most people watch between 30-40 hours of T.V. per week.
You’re probably not doing that, but here’s the exciting part: by reducing your T.V. time by just a couple of hours each week, you are going to learn how to make an additional $100,000 every year, do what you love with people you like, win friends and influence people and double your time off. After that, you’ll be able to write you own ticket and have ample time off.
A. That’s great and many people envy you. It tells me that you are in the perfect position to reach for the stars. Remember, it is not necessary to leave our current job or risk the perks of your lifestyle to ARRIVE. All you need to do is tweak it for maximum wealth, fulfillment, and achievement.
All you need to do is tweak it for maximum wealth, fulfillment, and achievement.
A.I don’t blame you for being skeptical or cost conscious. Lots of people are trying to sell vague information or ineffective coaching. That’s why I guarantee all our programs (something very few do) and treat every client the way I wish all businesses treated me.
If you are unhappy with your training in any way, I will continue to work with you one on one until to accomplish the results you want. Also, make sure you take a moment to read the countless testimonials on this page.
These are only a handful of comments from over 7,200 ecstatic clients who swear by the quality of our programs (most famous ‘gurus’ don’t have a fraction of the testimonials we do).
PS: Let me give you one final reason why I think this training is ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL for anyone serious their professional ambitions.
The Gallup organization found was that more people die in our civilization at 9:00 am on Monday morning than at any other time. They also asked people a very simple question. “Do you love what you do every day?” Only 20% of people in the world said yes.
We spent the vast majority of our time at work, and for just a small investment, you can set yourself up for a lifetime of wealth and fulfillment and truly reach your potential. What could be more important?
More Success Stories...

Rick Grafton
President Grafton Capitial Corp
I’m crazy at fifty – I’m loving the Courage to Win®. I feel like a kid again. What I enjoy most is the inner confidence. It makes me appreciate who I am and how great life can be.
Karen Thirlwall
Professional Musician
My work with Courage to Win® has given me life-long skills for living a healthy, happy, successful life based on my dreams. The program has tremendous insight and compassion.

Loraine Bon
Sales Consultant
Mental toughness propelled me to set some very high goals and achieve every one of them. The approach to positive AND negative thoughts and emotions helped me move through the obstacles that were standing in the way of what I wanted.
Heath Miller
Bethany Care Centre
I was in a rut that I couldn't get out of. I'd been in the same job for 5 years and felt stuck. After trying several strategies I finally tried mental toughness training with Lisa. Within 3 months I was offered a senior management position at my company! Lisa's strategies really work.

John Janco
Market Operation and Project Management At Atrium Innovation
"I discovered my inner confidence again!" This is an intuitive, wise, tough, kind, and deeply insightful program. It has helped me tremendously in so many aspects of my life. Without this coaching I would doubtless have taken years to make the progress I have in much shorter time. I rediscovered myself at a core level. It challenged me to examine my beliefs and confront my fears. The coaching process helped uncover the stories I had been accepting about myself and dispel the myths that caused self doubt and insecurity that I didn’t even realize I had been harboring.
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