I’m Taking You Inside The Secret “Black Box” Mental Toughness Strategies of Champions

Attention Athletes: Discover How To Build Confidence, Overcome Nerves, Stay Focused Under Pressure, Motivate Yourself And Others, and Deal With Losing — Once And For All

Attention Coaches: Get Ready-Made Inspirational Speeches, Psyche Up Routines, and Teambuilding Games — Slash Your Workload by 30% This Season!

Armed with these “black box secrets”, you will be able to become that top-ranked, highly respected star athlete you’ve always had the potential to be.

You will win gold medals and championships...climb the rankings…enjoy oodles of playing time…watch your coach follows you around like a lovesick puppy…and be given your choice of positions, line-mates, sponsorships and scholarships. You will get recruited, be named MVP, and gain the worship of rival athletes and fans everywhere.

Best of all, you will put yourself in the top 3% of performers using the intangible mental toughness factor.

From: Lisa Brown
October 21, 2024

Dear Athlete or Coach,

Imagine getting up on a Sunday morning three weeks before your next big event. You have a leisurely breakfast and then casually log on to your computer.

You review the article, “The Last Day You Ever Choke,” and quickly figure out WHY you choked in the very same event last year – and discover how to prevent it from happening again.

Next you listen to an audio called, “Thinking About Winning Is Not Jinxing Yourself” which explains the exact way you need to think about your event over the next three weeks.

Then you zip over to my interview with Shannon Miller, Olympic Hockey Coach and 4 Time NCAA Champion. Shannon reveals the fundamental mindset (thanks to her Mother) that has made her the winningest female hockey coach in history. You recognize the power of this mindset and adopt it towards yourself over the three weeks.

Then you write us a question on the blog: “My rival trash talks me before every qualifying routine. She used to be my friend, and she’s intimidating – what do I do when she comes over to me?”

We give you a customized recipe for solving your problem. (If you’re a coach, you turn around and use the exact same strategies with your athletes – no changes required).

You silently yell “Yes!” and pump your fist in the air. The time invested in your mental toughness training was all of 24 minutes and you’ll be collecting a gold medal in three weeks.

You Don't Have To Imagine This...

This can be the reality of your season this year. For over 16 years I have been helping athletes and coaches become consistent, winning, mentally tough champions – and I can help you too.

New! The Courage to Win® in Sport
Inner Circle Membership

Let me tell you about the Membership itself.

It’s similar to an entire day, intense online conference every month. This is “The Place” that will keep you mentally tough — and winning – week in and week out. There are case studies, fantastic examples of “what works”, ongoing teaching of my most important mental toughness strategies….we review every imaginable scenario in sport that you could face and give you the winning strategy.

Here’s how it works. When you sign up, you’ll gain automatic access to a secure website using your personal username and password.
You’ll immediately notice a library of articles in seven categories. Here’s just a small sample of what we’ll reveal in these categories in the months to come:

Building Confidence

  • Why confidence is NOT a choice – and the corresponding reason most athletes are dismal at building their own confidence
  • A killer source of confidence in sport from basketball legend Michael Jordan himself
  • Olympic speed skater Gaeton Boucher’s experience with 5 time gold medalist Eric Heiden that unlocked his personal confidence
  • Step by step instructions for quality training (and unstoppable confidence) using the 10,000 Hour Rule for success in sport
  • The foundation that professional drummer John Molo built his confidence on – that led to him all the way to the Grammy Awards!
  • Self-image progressions that will allows you to break free of the limiting beliefs about yourself that are keeping you trapped in performance far below your potential
  • The specific visualization technique tennis star Gabriella Sabatini used to get herself out of a slump and straight to the top of the tennis world

Staying Focused

  • One simple tip for your pre-event preparation that will get you focused immediately from Snowboarding Olympic Gold Medallist Maelle Ricker
  • A NEW way to think about winning before high pressure events that will turn off the nerves – courtesy of Ashley McIvor, Olympic Champion in Ski Cross
  • The secret to knowing HOW to compete that took Olympic figure skater Nancy Kerrigan YEARS to figure out (you will know by tomorrow)
  • How to harness the power of NOW in sport to maintain total focus and concentration (learn from golf legend Jack Nicklaus’s mistake that cost him the U.S. Open)
  • Soccer superstar David Beckham’s special mindset for seizing victory at crunch time, including how he executed a penalty kick at the World Cup

Overcoming Nerves

  • The #1 mindset for banishing the fear of losing so you can start your events relaxed – from pro golfer Davis Love III
  • The difference between GOOD nerves and BAD nerves – and how to eliminate the BAD nerves from your mindset once and for all
  • 3 easy pre-competition strategies that will give you a Quiet Mind (even if you’re shaking in your boots)
  • The 2 mistakes you CANNOT make just prior to competing or risk ballooning your nerves and actually becoming clumsy
  • Spiritual guru Deepak Chopra’s trick for what to do when you can’t stop thinking about the score
  • Whether Game Day superstitions are good or bad – and how you can use them to your advantage

Positive Thinking

  • The reason why positive thinking sometimes DOESN’T work and what to do (instead) when you’re overwhelmed by negative thoughts
  • Olympic gold medalist Hannah Kearney’s lesson on how to start aggressively, not tentatively – even if you’re racked with nerves
  • The CORRECT way to think positively in sport (using this distinction you can literally make your mind an impenetrable fortress like Alcatraz)
  • Is pressure a privilege? How to overcome thoughts of losing – from one of the world’s greatest athletes, tennis star Billie Jean King
  • Why some athletes conquer self-limiting beliefs while others don’t – and how to leave your mental baggage behind (revealed by Roger Bannister, who broke the 4 minute mile barrier in track and field)

Team Building / Rivalries

  • What positive rivalries are and how you can use them to achieve results bigger than your wildest dreams (revealed by speed skaters Catriona LeMay Doan and Susan Auch, who won gold and silver respectively at the Olympics)
  • Find out how figure skating genius Scott Hamilton withstood his opponents’ mind games to sail to victory
  • The green-eyed monster and winning: why comparing yourself to other athletes is NOT wrong — unless you make this fatal mistake
  • The #1 mistakes athletes make when watching rivals that lowers their confidence (it’s not what you think)
  • The best positive rivalry ever in the history of sport and how to cultivate the abundance mentality it models for us
  • Discover exactly what to do the next time an opponent trash talks you to stay in control and triumph (it’s not what you think)

Motivating Yourself and Others

  • Advanced techniques for praising athletes that balloons their confidence larger than Bill Gates’ bank account from Dr. Nathaniel Branden, the father of the modern self-esteem movement
  • Learn the secret to becoming bullet-proof to criticism (this one gem of wisdom made Lisa Brown the most deadly sniper in her sport and a World Champion)
  • You’ll get a structured pre-event competition plan that will restore your motivation when you’re too intimidated to compete
  • How Muhammad Ali motivated himself to win the Heavyweight Boxing Championship of the World against all odds
  • Sprinter Michael Johnson’s technique for channeling anger and frustration – using this method he won the Olympic trials

Dealing With Losing

  • Why a devastating loss has the potential to cripple your potential and cause you to choke
  • You’ll get Lisa Brown’s easy, natural process for getting over losing and leaving your emotional baggage behind
  • The #1 mistake athletes make after losing that destroys their self-esteem
  • How to gain genuine insight after a loss to heal its harmful effects, bounce back immediately, and come back better than ever
  • How to exploit the power of losing to skyrocket your motivation and results
  • What to say to dream-stealers, critics, or negative people when they criticize you after a loss …but that’s not all…you’ll also…

Secretly Eavesdrop And Get Advice From World-Class Winning Athletes and Coaches Who Are Mental Toughness Masters — Listen To Me Pick Their Brains And Share Their Secrets

If there’s one thing I’ve discovered it’s that learning from elite, successful athletes and coaches is vitally important. This is one of the ways I PERSONALLY learned how to build confidence and win under pressure.

Why is it critical you model other athletes and coaches? Why isn’t it good enough just to read a book and become mentally tough immediately?

First, reading is a WAY better than not educating yourself at all. You can get a tremendous amount of insight and training from reading.

But reading and implementing ideas on your own takes time.

So if you want to do gain success in a heartbeat, you find a superstar who is already winning and MODEL what they do.

In other words, if you surround yourself with MENTALLY TOUGH WINNERS, you’ll become like them – without even trying to.

The people around us influence us subconsciously, because that’s how we learn. There’s virtually no effort required.

How To Eavesdrop On The Minds of Seriously Mentally Tough Athletes And Coaches

Each month in my new membership I will interview a different world class athlete or coach, picking their brain about the exact mental toughness and leadership intangibles they used to put themselves at the top of the heap.

And let me warn you, I WILL DIG FOR THE PLATINUM!

I want to know the practical, day-in-and-day-out techniques, methods, gambits, and strategies these winning individuals used to separate themselves from the pack.

Let me give you a quick example of what you’ll get in the first month. I’m starting with basketball coach Shawnee Harle. Shawnee has all the traditional qualifications to qualify as a world class performer: She has been named Canada West Coach of the Year several times, coached at the Olympics, and is the only basketball coach (male or female) in Canada to attain Level 5 certification in coaching. But that’s not the reason I selected her…

I selected Shawnee because she is world-class at motivating players (and herself). She’s passionate, driven, and knows exactly how to bring out this behaviour in others. Here are a few of the secrets she shared:

  • The difference between “fun” vs. “satisfying” when you practice or train, and why one is much superior to the other
  • The exact steps for re-focusing in the heat of the battle, even when you’re taken out of the game or event
  • A simple formula you can use it to make your practices or training feel like a LIVE competition
  • The 2 step technique for incorporating your Courage to Win® “Right Focus” into games, races, and routines
  • A secret method for tapping into the most powerful motivation there is

Now, I want to make it absolutely painless for you to test-drive my Inner Circle Membership FREE for 30 days.
A genuine “no-brainer.”

So I’ve decided to bury you in ethical bribes, just to get you to try the Membership – to test drive it for just $1 for 30 days

Let’s take a look at the ridiculous amount of “free stuff” I have amassed, ready to gift you – FREE – “stuff” that will grow your mental toughness, balloon your confidence, fortify your concentration, and literally unleash the champion within…

The Inner Circle Membership Giant Free Bonus Gifts

Giant FREE Gift #1:
The Audio Program

“How to create breakthrough confidence in yourself – the most important skill you will ever learn as an athlete or coach.”

This is a live-recorded, uncensored and radical audio in which one of our certified Courage to Win®coaches teaches how any athlete, coach, or performance consultant can multiply his mental toughness quotient by least 10 times almost overnight by learning how to create breakthrough confidence under pressure. After listening to this audio, you will have more personal power, success, independence and inner security than ever before. In this audio presentation you will discover:

  • The BIGGEST mistake you’re probably making when trying to create confidence. This one is costing you.
  • Why positive thinking by itself will not work 9 times out of 10 to create confidence.
  • The unique situations in sport that suck the confidence out of you personally and how to create a mental game plan for them.
  • The Hidden Mental Toughness GOLD MINE in every athlete’s brain – this is a way of focusing that, once learned, will put you into the top 3% of athletes mentally (HINT: Your competition has no idea about this).
  • How to take yourself through a visualization sequence before competing that will inspire calm, iron-clad confidence.

We won’t just tell you all this. We will GIVE you the hand-outs that were featured in this session that you can use to take yourself through it. It’s a SHOW ‘N TELL. If you can listen to this audio and not get one RED-HOT method you are simply dying to use, that undeniably transforms your mental game from good to world class, I’ll banish myself from civilization as we know it, live off mangoes and bananas, never to be spied back in regular society again.

Retail value: $37.00

Giant FREE Gift #2:
Get access to my “Inner Chamber” where the massive mental toughness breakthroughs occur, where the really big superstars are made

When you become an Inner Circle Member, you automatically enter my “circle of trust” too. Here are the two colossal benefits you gain from that:

Free Consulting / Coaching Call In Days

Four times a year (sometimes more), I will host Open Call In Days exclusively for my Inner Circle members. You’re given my Skype and a special telephone number for this reason and may call during specific hours. Once you get through, you will have 10 or 20 minutes of time with me personally where we consult about YOU and your goals.

IMPORTANT and TIMELY note: the next Call in Day is coming up in May. By becoming an Inner Circle Member now, you will be eligible to participate in the next Call In Day.

Product Discounts!

You’ll get a Discount Coupon Code to use online to get 20-30% discounts all year long on my catalogue of premium information products. The products include The Courage to Win® in Sport ADVANCED 30 Day Home Study Program, Secrets of The Great Jock Mind, and The Competitive Mind Zone – as well as upcoming 2011 products.

One-on-One Personalized Support

Inside your membership there is a LIVE blog that gives you direct access to our expertise. You can ask questions about any element of your performance, coaching, or mental toughness and get timely, personalized answers. This element of the membership is literally PRICELESS, because athletes and coaches who get our personalized advice tend to take a no-holds-barred quantum leap in their very next competition.

Resources Section

In our special Resources section, you’ll get access to my personal rolodex of elite performers, coaches, and consultants in areas such as motivation, teambuilding, personal excellence, nutrition, and fitness and conditioning. I’m actually going to give you the contact information of the people I use in my network when I need an expert. This will save you a massive amount of time when you are seeking a professional, because I gave already “vetted” them for you. It’s one thing to have access to the information, but it’s another thing to have access to the PEOPLE. I don’t get any kind of kickback from this…it’s just who I use.

Retail value: $500.00

Giant FREE Gift #3:
Copy of the Teambuilding Book, “11 Simple Games for Ballooning Your Team’s Trust”

Trust is MAGIC on every team. The more your team trusts each other, the more fun (and success) you’ll enjoy. In this book, you’ll get 11 games that you can play with your team that are guaranteed to create bonds between players. I have personally tested and used each of these games with players ages 6-18. They WORK. In fact, I’d go so far as to say they are proven methods for boosting the trust on any team.

Retail value: $19.97

One Month Free Test Drive

Take 30 days, plus this stack of additional information, tools and strategies, pour over it all, try it, demonstrate its value – and you decide. After the 30 days is up, you can cancel your subscription and not pay a single dime.

Consider It All:

1.  The Inner Circle Exclusive Members Site – The most insightful, practical, valuable members site in North America, bar none. (I know because I constantly sweep the competition and challenge myself every month to make my stuff better…worth five or even ten times any alternatives).

2. The Audio Program, “How To Create Break through Confidence In Yourself”– This will be sold, in limited quantities, for $37.00. Will it be worth more to you? Definitely.

3. Free Consulting / Coaching Call In Days. Considering that my personal fee for an hour of coaching just went up to $500.00, this exclusive access to me through your Membership is quite significant. If you take part in 3 Call In Days, 20 minutes each time you’ll get $500.00 in coaching.

4.  Product Discounts. Let’s say you get 20% off two Courage to Win® in Sport programs priced at $67. That’s $27.00 of savings in just the first year alone.

5.  One-on-One Personalized Support. Assuming you use this feature three times per month and receive 10 minutes of mental toughness coaching each time, that’s $100.00 worth of consulting.

6.  Resources Section. Let’s say this service saves you at least two hours of research to find the right professional to help you. If we price your time conservatively at $50.00 per hour, that’s a savings of $100.00.

7.  11 Simple Games For Ballooning Your Team's Trust Book. This will set you up for an entire year of teambuilding, saving you oodles of time and effort. Over $19.97 worth of information, but in reality will be far more valuable in terms of results.

$813.64 Total Value – but worth at least ten times that in results this year if you win the biggest competition of your season!

But I am Adamant you test-drive this for free, so…

We treat you the way I wish other businesses treated me: With total respect and the attitude that “the customer is Always right.” No matter what.

There Is Categorically No Risk. You Cannot Fail or Squander A Penny.

Right now, you can subscribe to my Inner Circle Membership for 30 days FREE. That’s $0. You will have that entire 30 days to evaluate if you want to stay in the membership at a monthly subscription fee of $19.97.

You do NOT need to commit or pay for anything past 30 days.

If you are as thrilled with your membership as I know you’ll be and elect to stay in, your credit card will automatically be charged for just $19.97 at the end of 30 days and send you an e-receipt. This way you need not worry about renewals or missing any
new articles, audios, or other special events.

You can cancel at any time.

This means you hold my feet to the fire every month to provide astronomically valuable, practical how-to information and plans you can use NOW to transform yourself into a consistent, winning, mentally tough champion. We have to deliver the goods.

And I will absolutely GUARANTEE your satisfaction in two ways.

ONE: if, after getting your Welcome Kit, Bonus Gifts, and first 30 Days of your Inner Circle Membership you do not wish to continue for any reason just notify us. No questions, no waffling, no hard feelings. I know you’ll be impressed. And enthused. And eager to apply the information immediately. But you’re the judge, jury and executioner. If you’re not thrilled, cancel, and you have no obligation whatsoever.

TWO: You have NO continuous commitment either. You can cancel your monthly subscription at any time.

You also get to keep ALL the bonuses (minus Lisa’s free consulting advice) for your trouble. This is the very best guarantee I can give in fact, the next time you return something to a store, ask them if you can get a refund and still KEEP the merchandise.
I think this is the best guarantee you’ll find, period.

When you click on the link below, you’ll go to our secure order page for your credit card number. Your transaction is secure your order information is transmitted using the latest SSL encryption technology.

The whole process takes just a few minutes. Once it is complete, you will be asked to create a user name and password. You will use these to log in to the Inner Circle Exclusive Members Area and start becoming the winning, consistent, mentally tough champion you are meant to be.

There’s only one “catch” – you need to act RIGHT NOW!

The Courage to Win® in Sport Inner Circle Membership
One Month FREE Test Drive

add to cart

person-imgPS. Remember, you get access to your Exclusive Private Members Website IMMEDIATELY. I want you to listen to your favourite topics right away. Then relax and go out and perform in a way you never thought possible.

I promise: You WILL be amazed at the difference you experience when you are immersing yourself in mental toughness
training every week that’s FUN.

Literally overnight, you will start to master the intangible mental toughness factor. But, I want you to take a full 30 DAYS to prove to yourself that this is the best membership you could ever receive. If it’s not, just cancel your membership and it has not cost you one penny!

We can’t be any more fair than that. So go ahead and enroll right now. You have nothing to lose but more success, more respect, and more enjoyment of your sport!

Here are some of the great results athletes and coaches have had after using principles from The Courage to Win® in Sport:

Shannon Miller

Genuine confidence is an absolute necessity if you want to reach your potential. I've worked with Lisa as a personal mental toughness coach and have accessed Lisa's talents in training teams I have coached. Lisa's work is very effective because she delivers the training at the level the clients need...and it's the type of training that you take with you and use on a daily basis towards success. Shannon Miller

Shannon Miller, Olympic Coach, Women's Hockey
Leah Hepner

This course is changing me. It is changing everything about my life. I have learned how human beings work…not just in sport but in life in general. I have taught my family about the things you teach me. They are mesmerized by what I read them. To understand human emotion changes the way I think and look at myself, and others around me. I am growing.

Leah Hepner, Figure Skating
Stacy Wilson

Mental toughness training gives you confidence. It’s helped me play well under pressure and cope with injuries. I think it’s essential if you want to perform to your potential. You owe it to yourself to do mental toughness training, and Lisa Brown’s work is so practical because she teaches you skills you can use right away.

Stacy Wilson, Olympian, Women’s Hockey
Charmaine Reid


I am a more focused, driven, and prepared player because of the Courage to Win®. Charmaine Reid

Charmaine Reid, Olympian, Badminton
Laura Warner

Lisa's mental toughness online program made me a 2 time World Champion. I was ready to conquer every possible distraction in international competition. I played my best, even in the most high pressure moments.

Laura Warner, Team Canada, Ringette
Bill Tschirhart

Lisa’s on-line mental toughness programme has allowed our athletes, on an individual basis, to gain the mental toughness skills so necessary in today’s world of high performance curling. It’s a winner!

Bill Tschirhart, National Development Coach for the Canadian Curling Association
Lori Sippel

Have you ever heard the adage, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it"? Well, I was broke and I knew it. I knew Lisa was the person who could help me identify the root of my downward spiral. Lisa helped me "cut to the chase" and identify those things that were holding me back from attaining the mental edge I needed. Together we created a mental plan of attack that allowed me to stay empowered regardless of the circumstances.

Lori Sippel, Olympian, Women's Softball
Christine Parris-Washington

After mental toughness, I am now a better player physically and mentally. I am able to apply my focus for success. The program put everything into perspective for me. Christine Parris-Washington

Christine Parris-Washington, Olympian, Women's Softball
Corey Cowper

Lisa, you won’t believe the impact “The Courage to Win®” had on my Junior Varsity Boys High School Volleyball team (gr10-11). It seemed whenever the team was in a playoff, they just could not win. For 2 full months we worked at skills and techniques to get over that hump of not being able to win the big games. Nothing seemed to work. Here in front of me was an offer to purchase an Ebook, the exercises take only 7 days. I will be honest, I was very skeptical, but it was local to Calgary and I really did not have anything to lose, except the cost of the book! I purchased the book. In 5 minutes I walked through the visualization with them, breaking down the skill to very simple components having them see themselves performing the skill through their own eyes. In a matter of 3 weeks the team went from not being able to win when it counts to losing not being an option, and our focus the entire time was never the win, but rather playing OUR style of game. I can’t say enough about how this program has positively impacted my approach to coaching.

Corey Cowper, Volleyball Coach
Shannon Miller

Genuine confidence is an absolute necessity if you want to reach your potential. I've worked with Lisa as a personal mental toughness coach and have accessed Lisa's talents in training teams I have coached. Lisa's work is very effective because she delivers the training at the level the clients need...and it's the type of training that you take with you and use on a daily basis towards success.

Shannon Miller, Olympic Coach, Women's Hockey
Isabelle Gysi

Lisa thank you so much for the Courage to Win! My competition was awesome. I won!!!!!! I also did a new personal best. Now my goal is to do it again at Nationals!

Isabelle Gysi
Matti Brannagan

Thank you very much miss Lisa for The Courage to Win® in Sport. Now I know what I need to do, I was missing a few steps. Thank you again, your answers have made my day!

Matti Brannagan
Heather Rankin

With the use of Lisa’s guidance, I have learned to manage the emotions causing the stress, and I have been successful in losing 45 lbs. I have never worked with a more intelligent, talented, inspirational, and committed professional whom you gain an immediate respect and trust for. With Lisa Brown, problems are just solutions waiting to happen.

Heather Rankin, Finalist, Olympic Curling Trials
Cal Wigston

This past March we made it to the gold medal match knocking off the previous OUA champs in 5 sets. Thanks to your candor, honesty, insight and adviceI was prepared to coach the many different personality styles my players had and be successful. You helped me understand myself this year and what I needed to do. I am way more confident in my coaching ability – thanks so much for everything you did to help me prepare for this year.

Cal Wigston, Head Coach Men's Volleyball University of Guelph
Arlene Yost

Lisa, thank you! My golf game is much more consistent. I am shooting 81-84 almost every time out. I am much more relaxed and able to experience my swing much more clearly. I have also begun to develop greater confidence in my short game. I am so confident I am eager to play with players who can beat me!

Arlene Yost, Golfer San Luis Obispo, California
Joella Bernard

Your information on mental toughness saved me a great deal of money. You made it so simple, be your own mental toughness coach! In the past I would wait for other people to tell me how good I was. Now I can create this confidence from the inside. My national show is at the end of the year and I know I will turn pro. Thank you!

Joella Bernard, Finalist, USA Women’s Heavy Bodybuilding
Shawnee Harle

Mental toughness has the athletes confront their Inner barriers and access their self-confidence. I'm a better coach today because I know how to look beyond the x's and o's of the game. I relate to my athletes better.

Shawnee Harle, Head Coach University of Calgary Basketball
Gail Lohman

At my World Triathlon Championship, your words were in my head throughout the event. I kept thinking about rhythm throughout the day. When we spoke, I told you my goal was to be top 10. I finished 9th. I finished with a PR. My previous fastest time in a race of this distance was 5:47. I was hoping to go 5:45. I finished in 5:39.

I am thrilled. Another exciting part is that my husband and I finished the race together. This has never happened before. Very cool that it happened in the World Championship. You really helped!

Gail Lohman, Triathlete
BJ Young

Lisa, I purchased “the courage to win” about three weeks ago. I read it thoroughly and did all the exercises numerous times. After I had a much better understanding of my anxieties and learned how to focus my energy in a positive way. I just returned from the USA high school Senior National wrestling tournament. Before your material I placed 12th in the state of NJ.I knew I was much better than that. After using your material I just placed 3rd in the country for 130lbs. senior wrestlers. Thank you so much.I will continue to use this focus for life.

BJ Young, Men’s Wrestling
Dany Urriza

I am 47 years old. Since I was a kid I liked to play tennis but at that time was expensive for my parents and they couldn`t afford it. Two years ago I had the chance to start having lessons, I thought that for this kind of sport you must start when you are a kid, but I was wrong. Soon I started to play matches and now I am playing in local tournaments. I have to play to 18 years old kids sometimes, and at 47 this is very tough but I like the challenge. Today against all predictions I won a tough match and I know your book helped me do it. I was most of the time down in the score, but I won anyway 4-6, 7-6, 7-6. For the first time I was able to maintain focus in the important moments in a very long match. Thank you very much! -Dany Urriza

Dany Urriza, Tennis Player Tierra del Fuego, Argentina
Brenda Staniforth

We had become so focused on the fear of failure that we lost our confidence a lot. The mental toughness training we did with Lisa was invaluable because it allowed us to turn our focus on the game itself. More than anything, Lisa's training works because she uses a practical approach based on real experience...she even helped me become a better coach to my athletes.

Brenda Staniforth, Coach Canadian Olympic Women's Softball Team
Jan Pula

I recently ordered The Courage to Win® in Sport ADVANCED Course and quickly absorbed Lesson 1, including the audio. The discussion on why winning is important made a significant impact on me and I shared it with my team. We participated in a bonspiel on the past weekend without having been on the ice this year yet…Our goal was to come home with a winning record having made progress on communication systems …we lost our first game – a close one — but then went on to win 7 straight and take home the Championship Flight prize! After each win we celebrated not so much the win but the satisfaction of knowing the win showed we were “evolving” and “growing” as individuals and as a team. You would have been amazed at how that shift in perception about winning and losing created a positive environment over the entire weekend. Honestly – this one lesson I learned has been worth the cost of the program! Jan Pula

Jan Pula, Laurentian University Varsity Curling Coach
Michelle Stiphout

Lisa’s course was incredibly helpful. It’s odd because psychology is my favourite subject in school, but my mental game was seriously lacking. My favourite part would be doing the assignments, I find that they ensure that I’m taking in what is being taught and that I’m applying the lesson on the court.

Michelle Stiphout, University Basketball