Congratulations enrolling in Breakthrough Drives! In this program, you will discover how to consistently hit 250+ yard drives with astonishing accuracy using amazing ‘jedi-mind’ secrets.
Proceed go to the right hand side of this page and click on Module 1. Proceed to Module 2 and so on. For best results, do each module in order – do not skip around!
Questions: As you go through this program, you may have questions about how to apply the concepts to your unique situation. It’s vital that you ask these right away – send them to me at
If you need technical assistance or cannot access some portion of the program online, please pick up the phone and call us at 403-261-2726 or shoot us an email at While we try for rapid response, remember it may take us a little longer on weekends or holidays.
You will need a computer with high-speed Internet access.
Emails: Make sure you are getting our emails! Whitelist and (in other words, make sure your email program knows to accept our emails and deliver them directly to your Inbox).
This program will give you insights and success you have never experienced before. I am committed to you and your success. We’re in this together, so let’s knock it out of the park.
Please let us know we can serve you better in any way.
Light it up out there,Click to Download – Putting Made Simple
Insider, pro strategies for remarkably improving your putting overnight! (If you have a tee-time tomorrow…be sure to read this special report tonight. You’ll be amazed at how many putts you make).
As your ultimate inspiration, you’ll be able to email Shawnee Harle with questions. She will give you coaching, suggestions, and individual help.
If you are overwhelmed by performance anxiety…if you keep getting beat by the same oppenent and have a mental block…if you’re unpredictable in big events and sick of it…if there is a ‘demon stressor’ that causes you to lose your confidence and you don’t know how to conquer it…simply write to Shawnee and she will help trouble-shoot what’s going wrong.
Of course, Shawnee has a life, so don’t write her every two hours. But you’ll be shocked how quickly and easily Shawnee will be able to figure out what you’re doing wrong and correct it – just by asking you a few simple questions!
Send Your Emails To Shawnee at
A $149.00 value, yours free.
Click to Download – Come Back MORE Confident Than Ever
You’ll discover the five proven methods for shooting the lowest score of your life AFTER a bad hole…plus, you’ll have the answer to all your most commonly asked questions about how pros like Tiger deal with the inevitable ups and “downs” of golf.
I’ve had so many golfers write to me and say, “I had my game completely under control until that one bad hole destroyed me”, or “I just couldn’t get over shooting such a bad score when I’d been doing so well this year.”
You’ll be privy to exclusive weekly tips via email chock full of strategies and tactics guaranteed to lower your score immediately. Here are just a few of the tips you’ll have access to: