The Green-Eyed Monster And Winning

The Green-Eyed Monster And Winning

Comparing yourself to others is NOT jealousy.

Nor is it wrong.

I get this question a lot from athletes who think that comparing
themselves to peers – and wanting to beat them – is wrong.

So I’d like to set the record straight.

Especially for those of you who are letting jealousy get in the
way of winning.

Comparing yourself to other athletes is part of competing.

It’s inevitable.

If there were no comparisons, no one would strive for excellence.

We’d all be striving for mediocrity.

Wanting to be better than everyone is a GOOD thing.

As long as you don’t make Kate’s mistake.

Kate has been the most dominant golfer in her club for years.

But recently some of her peers began to catch up, especially Joan.

The fans in Kate’s club have been pretty excited about Joan lately.

“Did you see Joan’s last drive?”

“Joan only practiced for 3 hours and noq she’s back down into the 70’s.”

Jealousy started to eat Kate alive.

“Why is Joan getting all the glory?” she would fume inside.

But, like most athletes, Kate didn’t know about
the green-eyed monster inside her.

She just noticed her extreme nerves. “Why am I so stressed out the golf course?”

Only when I pressed her did she admit Joan was bothering her.

When Kate asked me what to do about her nerves,
she was shocked at what I said.

“You’re so busy being jealous of Joan that you haven’t even
bothered to find out why she’s beating you and

DO SOMETHING about it.”

I sent Kate to ask Joan how she’d improved so much.

“Lisa I did what you said and if you can believe it, Joan
said that most of her improvement is because of her new clubs.
I NEVER would have thought to investigate new clubs!”

Turns out Kate’s not a power hitter in golf.

She’s better at the short game and putting.

Not flashy, but Kate always gets the job done.

In golf, though, people admire the big drive.

It’s showy and cool.

Kate finally admitted that she WANTED people to admire
her drives too.

The moral of the story?

It’s Ok to compare yourself with others – as long as you
don’t stew in your jealousy.

Instead of being jealous, get inspired by your opponents.

Find out what your they are doing.

Then use their success methods to make yourself better.

You are responsible for your winning.

Not your Dad or your coach.

Changing your mindset to a winning one can be easy once you
have the right tools.

Kate’s a winner.

She got The Courage to Win Ebook and then enrolled in my ADVANCED Program.

She got help from me, because I give email coaching
with the program.

Now Kate’s working on her own game instead of worrying about Joan’s.

What’s your plan?

How are you going to get rid of the green-eyed monster?

No more excuses.

The time is NOW.

Click here to get started.

And to sign up for more free mental toughness tips, click here.

Light it up out there,

Lisa B.

Categories: Uncategorized