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Teach Your Athletes How To Eliminate Nerves, Build Deep Mental Toughness, and WIN Under Pressure
It’s Easy, Fun, And I Guarantee It!
Lisa Lane Brown’s
Online Video Program
In this NEW online video program, you will discover how to quickly and easily build deep mental toughness in athletes so they can win any championship, league, or medal they want.
With your guidance, your athletes will deliver peak performances, get top finishes in big events, develop insane motivation, and rush to implement your game plan.
Finally, you and your athletes will be the envy of all your rivals.
Best of all, your athletes will be able to consistently perform their best and WIN instead of falling short and never knowing why.
Dear Friend,
After working with thousands of recreational, elite, and Olympic athletes to help them win over the past 19 years, I realized there are two basic approaches to winning under pressure.
While most coaches are using very traditional sports psychology methods and getting pretty mediocre results, superstar coaches and athletes are using radically different methods and winning consistently (much to the dismay of their rivals).
On one hand, it really bothered me that so many coaches and athletes had no idea about the winning mental toughness strategies of superstars, because they were obviously talented and dedicated.
On the other hand, I was fascinated by what superstar coaches and athletes were doing to dominate their sports.
That's why I dove deeply into the subject of deep mental toughness. I wanted to learn the REAL secrets of deep mental toughness for eliminating choking under pressure and how to teach them to athletes so they can be flawless in their biggest events.
I'm not talking about traditional sports psychology methods like “relaxation training” where you lie in a room relaxing your muscles (and wondering why) or “positive thinking” where you repeat positive affirmations to yourself that never seem to stick...
I'm talking about a specific, practical mental toughness formula for creating breakthrough confidence under pressure in sport that can be repeated over and over to win.
Discovering this formula made me a 3-time World Champion in my sport and since then, I’ve taught it over 4,200 recreational, elite, and Olympic athletes in over 16 countries worldwide. It’s been my lifelong career.
For example, did you know that there is a simple technique for getting your athletes to master the fear of competing that you can pass on to them in minutes? I learned this when preparing for my own World Championships years ago and used it to score the winning goal with just two minutes left in regulation time.
The bottom line is that I've cracked the code, and in my program I reveal a miraculous formula for building deep mental toughness in your athletes that is so powerful (and effortless) that once you discover it, you’ll be dismayed that you’ve spent your entire coaching life without it.
Today you will learn how to dramatically improve your ability to ability to build deep mental toughness in your athletes so they can win under pressure by showing them how to defeat fear and create confidence instead.
This Secret Formula Gives You The Chance To Finally:
- Create unshakable confidence in your athletes! You’ll show them how to believe in themselves right from the beginning of the event - even on days when they feel just ‘average.’
- Help your athletes eliminate nerves so they stop performing ‘scared’ and bring out their inner determination and aggressiveness instead.
- Display insane levels of commitment and motivation, including buying into your game plan and strategy.
- Give your athletes the ability to start off their events off flying and THEN raise their game to a whole new level.
- Teach your athletes how to improve and get better every time they practice or train using deep mental toughness.
- Finally silence your internal doubts that you are not influencing your athletes and know that you are genuinely guiding them to success.
Why Deep Mental Toughness?
You need deep mental toughness because in most sporting contests, the actual “skill” difference between opponents is very small...less than 10% in most cases.
Therefore, it’s not the best athlete who wins on competition day: it’s the athlete who performs the best. And the #1 way to perform your best is to get “in the zone” – the mental place where you are confident, focused, and in a cocoon of concentration.
The problem is that most athletes are never in the zone – and if they do manage to get there, they have no idea how to re-create this state. This is because they are making the same two mistakes over and over again.
The first mistake is that they do NOTHING to mentally prepare for their event. They follow a simple routine (eat, nap, warm up) and then invoke some silly superstition, like wearing the same socks for weeks on end.
This is leaving your performance, and I do NOT recommend it.
The second mistake most athletes make is that when they lack confidence or are hit with overwhelming nerves, they play it safe. They stay inside their comfort zone and play not to lose. They withdraw energy from practice and competition so that they can’t be hurt or disappointed.
Of course, this guarantees a poor performance. In sport, you need to be aggressive and confident, right from the start.
Teach Your Athletes How To Build
Deep Mental Toughness
and WIN Under Pressure!
You are going to discover how to program your athletes trigger confidence, motivation, and genuine determination using deep mental toughness.
Using the Teach Your Athletes How To Build Deep Mental Toughness and WIN Under Pressure program…
You can get your athletes to begin every event confident, relaxed and in the zone.
You can get your athlete to re-focus when facing setbacks, adversity and challenges.
You can help your athletes increase your confidence and focus so they can move outside their comfort zone and go for it.
You can help your athletes overcome anxiety, nerves, and perfectionism, no matter what’s happening around them
You can help your athletes tap into intense motivation and work ethic to train and compete.
Deep Mental Toughness is your true source of confidence because it’s your athletes’ ability to master fear, which is always the key to winning.
The magic of Deep Mental Toughness is that it gets your athletes to ENGAGE in training and competing. When your athletes have Deep Mental Toughness, they will finally start tapping into their true potential and be able to do the most amazing things out there.
In fact, I absolutely guarantee that getting your athletes to master their mental game will be one of the most potent, thrilling things they will ever learn as athletes and human beings.
It is going to eliminate the frustration you’re having today with your athletes. Whether your athletes are not listening to your game plan, or not playing well in pressure situations, or just plain underachieving, you can eliminate these issues with lightening speed.
The best part is you will not have to spend extra time (in fact I don’t want you investing more time – I want you investing less).
You will immediately start enjoying coaching and competing more as a result of your newfound success.
Here’s a quick re-cap of what the online video training covers:

Concept One
REVEALED: How Most Coaches Unwittingly Sabotage Their Athletes’ Mental Toughness
You will discover the four mistakes most coaches accidentally sabotage their athletes’ mental toughness and how to avoid them.

Concept Two
Mental Game Coaching Mastery
You will learn the #1 extraordinary technique that will get your athletes opening up to you within minutes.

Concept Three
Teach Your Athletes Mental Toughness
You will discover a three step fear-busting mental toughness formula that will get your athletes confident and winning under pressure.
Easy Delivery & Immediate Access
Teach Your Athletes How To Build Deep Mental Toughness and WIN Under Pressure is in Adobe Acrobat file (.pdf) and MP4 video format. After ordering, you will be directed to a secure page, where you will download your files. Almost all computers have Adobe Acrobat Reader pre-installed and there will be no wait time.
The whole process takes just a few minutes and you’ll have your method in less than 5 minutes from right now.
I’ll Only Sell 500 Copies At This Price
Time is very much “Of the Essence”… I can’t stress the time-sensitiveness of this offer enough.
Not only will the 500 copies go quickly (at which point the discount will expire) but trust me, you don’t want to miss it…
Here’s What My Students Say
Lisa, you won’t believe the impact “The Courage to Win®” had on my Junior Varsity Boys High School Volleyball team (gr10-11). It seemed whenever the team was in a playoff, they just could not win. For 2 full months we worked at skills and techniques to get over that hump of not being able to win the big games. Nothing seemed to work. Here in front of me was an offer to purchase an Ebook, the exercises take only 7 days. I will be honest, I was very skeptical, but it was local to Calgary and I really did not have anything to lose, except the cost of the book! I purchased the book. In 5 minutes I walked through the visualization with them, breaking down the skill to very simple components having them see themselves performing the skill through their own eyes. In a matter of 3 weeks the team went from not being able to win when it counts to losing not being an option, and our focus the entire time was never the win, but rather playing OUR style of game. I can’t say enough about how this program has positively impacted my approach to coaching.
Corey Cowper
Volleyball Coach
This past March we made it to the gold medal match knocking off the previous OUA champs in 5 sets. Thanks to your candor, honesty, insight and adviceI was prepared to coach the many different personality styles my players had and be successful. You helped me understand myself this year and what I needed to do. I am way more confident in my coaching ability – thanks so much for everything you did to help me prepare for this year.
Cal Wigston
Head Coach Men’s Volleyball University of Guelph
Genuine confidence is an absolute necessity if you want to reach your potential. I’ve worked with Lisa as a personal mental toughness coach and have accessed Lisa’s talents in training teams I have coached. Lisa’s work is very effective because she delivers the training at the level the clients need…and it’s the type of training that you take with you and use on a daily basis towards success.
Shannon Miller
Olympic Coach, Women’s Hockey
Mental toughness has the athletes confront their Inner barriers and access their self-confidence. I’m a better coach today because I know how to look beyond the x’s and o’s of the game. I relate to my athletes better.
Shawnee Harle
Assistant Coach, Canadian Olympic Women’s Basketball Team
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