3 Simple Steps to Breakthrough Confidence
and Mental Toughness
“REVEALED: The Three Most Dangerous Mistakes You May Be Making to Sabotage Your Confidence and Mental Toughness –And How to Cure Them”
**WARNING: This Special Report is not for the faint of heart. This material goes way deeper than most self-help rhetoric and will literally ‘blow the lid off’ what you’ve been hearing from therapists and drug companies for years. This Special Report is not designed to entertain you. It is hard-hitting and not a re-hash of techniques like positive thinking, goal-setting, affirmations, or attraction theory that have been presented by many other authors. Follow the steps in this report, and you will enjoy an immediate influx of confidence and mental toughness.
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3 simple steps to breakthrough confidence
& mental toughness.
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Fear-Proof Yourself: Discover Secrets to Breakthrough Confidence and Mental Toughness That Many Therapists, Self-Help Experts, and Drug Companies Cannot Tell You
Lisa Brown discovered the inner barriers to winning years ago as a Canadian National Team athlete in ringette. (Ringette is a team sport similar to hockey played in several countries). When Lisa skated on the ice, a powerful and graceful side of her emerged.
Unfortunately, a dark side of Lisa also appeared. One week Lisa felt invincible; the next, her confidence came crashing down. She never knew why, and it hurt her all the time. As talented as she was, Lisa was so inconsistent under pressure it appeared she might never reach her goals.
Lisa soon realized she was not alone. Many people are in a similar situation. They’ve worked hard on themselves, gained self-awareness and wisdom, yet are still underachieving. Lisa embarked on a mission to find answers.
She wanted to know:
“Is there a mental toughness formula we can use to defeat fear, low confidence, and underachievement?”
Lisa had an important advantage: the athlete’s perspective. In sport, there is always another game, another competition, another chance. There is always hope. Lisa channeled this perspective into the investigative journey of the Courage to Win®.
For years, clients have asked Lisa to document the strategies she has used to help over 6,000 achievers in the past 14 years develop breakthrough confidence and mental toughness. Could Lisa’s FREE Special Report help you create these same results? There’s absolutely no charge to find out.
In this FREE Special Report, you’ll learn how to cure the root cause of fear and low confidence…how to gain the personal confidence you need to start your own business, pursue higher paying work, and sell your ideas…to be more self-reliant in relationships and realize your inherent lovability…to eliminate common tragedies such as procrastination, depression, and de-motivation from your life…and finally be able to perform flawless under pressure…and so much more.
Sign up now and you’ll get Lisa’s FREE Special Report immediately!
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