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I’m Taking You Inside The Secret “Black Box” Mental Toughness Strategies of Champions

Attention Athletes: Discover How To Build Confidence, Overcome Nerves, Stay Focused Under Pressure, Motivate Yourself And Others, and Deal With Losing — Once And For All

Attention Coaches: Get Ready-Made Inspirational Speeches, Psyche Up Routines, and Teambuilding Games — Slash Your Workload by 30% This Season!

Armed with these “black box secrets”, you will be able to become that top-ranked, highly respected star athlete you’ve always had the potential to be.

You will win gold medals and championships...climb the rankings…enjoy oodles of playing time…watch your coach follows you around like a lovesick puppy…and be given your choice of positions, line-mates, sponsorships and scholarships. You will get recruited, be named MVP, and gain the worship of rival athletes and fans everywhere.

Best of all, you will put yourself in the top 3% of performers using the intangible mental toughness factor.

New! The Courage to Win® in Sport Inner Circle Membership

Let me tell you about the Membership itself.

It’s similar to an entire day, intense online conference every month. This is “The Place” that will keep you mentally tough — and winning – week in and week out. There are case studies, fantastic examples of “what works”, ongoing teaching of my most important mental toughness strategies….we review every imaginable scenario in sport that you could face and give you the winning strategy.

Here’s how it works. When you sign up, you’ll gain automatic access to a secure website using your personal username and password.

You’ll immediately notice a library of articles in seven categories. Here’s just a small sample of what we’ll reveal in these categories in the months to come:

Building Confidence

  • Why confidence is NOT a choice – and the corresponding reason most athletes are dismal at building their own confidence
  • A killer source of confidence in sport from basketball legend Michael Jordan himself
  • Olympic speed skater Gaeton Boucher’s experience with 5 time gold medalist Eric Heiden that unlocked his personal confidence
  • Step by step instructions for quality training (and unstoppable confidence) using the 10,000 Hour Rule for success in sport
  • The foundation that professional drummer John Molo built his confidence on – that led to him all the way to the Grammy Awards!
  • Self-image progressions that will allows you to break free of the limiting beliefs about yourself that are keeping you trapped in performance far below your potential
  • The specific visualization technique tennis star Gabriella Sabatini used to get herself out of a slump and straight to the top of the tennis world

Staying Focused

  • One simple tip for your pre-event preparation that will get you focused immediately from Snowboarding Olympic Gold Medallist Maelle Ricker
  • A NEW way to think about winning before high pressure events that will turn off the nerves – courtesy of Ashley McIvor, Olympic Champion in Ski Cross
  • The secret to knowing HOW to compete that took Olympic figure skater Nancy Kerrigan YEARS to figure out (you will know by tomorrow)
  • How to harness the power of NOW in sport to maintain total focus and concentration (learn from golf legend Jack Nicklaus’s mistake that cost him the U.S. Open)
  • Soccer superstar David Beckham’s special mindset for seizing victory at crunch time, including how he executed a penalty kick at the World Cup

Overcoming Nerves

  • The #1 mindset for banishing the fear of losing so you can start your events relaxed – from pro golfer Davis Love III
  • The difference between GOOD nerves and BAD nerves – and how to eliminate the BAD nerves from your mindset once and for all
  • 3 easy pre-competition strategies that will give you a Quiet Mind (even if you’re shaking in your boots)
  • The 2 mistakes you CANNOT make just prior to competing or risk ballooning your nerves and actually becoming clumsy
  • Spiritual guru Deepak Chopra’s trick for what to do when you can’t stop thinking about the score
  • Whether Game Day superstitions are good or bad – and how you can use them to your advantage

Positive Thinking

  • The reason why positive thinking sometimes DOESN’T work and what to do (instead) when you’re overwhelmed by negative thoughts
  • Olympic gold medalist Hannah Kearney’s lesson on how to start aggressively, not tentatively – even if you’re racked with nerves
  • The CORRECT way to think positively in sport (using this distinction you can literally make your mind an impenetrable fortress like Alcatraz)
  • Is pressure a privilege? How to overcome thoughts of losing – from one of the world’s greatest athletes, tennis star Billie Jean King
  • Why some athletes conquer self-limiting beliefs while others don’t – and how to leave your mental baggage behind (revealed by Roger Bannister, who broke the 4 minute mile barrier in track and field)

Team Building / Rivalries

  • What positive rivalries are and how you can use them to achieve results bigger than your wildest dreams (revealed by speed skaters Catriona LeMay Doan and Susan Auch, who won gold and silver respectively at the Olympics)
  • Find out how figure skating genius Scott Hamilton withstood his opponents’ mind games to sail to victory
  • The green-eyed monster and winning: why comparing yourself to other athletes is NOT wrong — unless you make this fatal mistake
  • The #1 mistakes athletes make when watching rivals that lowers their confidence (it’s not what you think)
  • The best positive rivalry ever in the history of sport and how to cultivate the abundance mentality it models for us
  • Discover exactly what to do the next time an opponent trash talks you to stay in control and triumph (it’s not what you think)

Motivating Yourself and Others

  • Advanced techniques for praising athletes that balloons their confidence larger than Bill Gates’ bank account from Dr. Nathaniel Branden, the father of the modern self-esteem movement
  • Learn the secret to becoming bullet-proof to criticism (this one gem of wisdom made Lisa Brown the most deadly sniper in her sport and a World Champion)
  • You’ll get a structured pre-event competition plan that will restore your motivation when you’re too intimidated to compete
  • How Muhammad Ali motivated himself to win the Heavyweight Boxing Championship of the World against all odds
  • Sprinter Michael Johnson’s technique for channeling anger and frustration – using this method he won the Olympic trials

Dealing With Losing

  • Why a devastating loss has the potential to cripple your potential and cause you to choke
  • You’ll get Lisa Brown’s easy, natural process for getting over losing and leaving your emotional baggage behind
  • The #1 mistake athletes make after losing that destroys their self-esteem
  • How to gain genuine insight after a loss to heal its harmful effects, bounce back immediately, and come back better than ever
  • How to exploit the power of losing to skyrocket your motivation and results
  • What to say to dream-stealers, critics, or negative people when they criticize you after a loss …but that’s not all…you’ll also…

Consider It All:

1.  The Inner Circle Exclusive Members Site – The most insightful, practical, valuable members site in North America, bar none. (I know because I constantly sweep the competition and challenge myself every month to make my stuff better…worth five or even ten times any alternatives).

2. The Audio Program, “How To Create Break through Confidence In Yourself”– This will be sold, in limited quantities, for $37.00. Will it be worth more to you? Definitely.

3. Free Consulting / Coaching Call In Days. Considering that my personal fee for an hour of coaching just went up to $500.00, this exclusive access to me through your Membership is quite significant. If you take part in 3 Call In Days, 20 minutes each time you’ll get $500.00 in coaching.

4.  Product Discounts. Let’s say you get 20% off two Courage to Win® in Sport programs priced at $67. That’s $27.00 of savings in just the first year alone.

5.  One-on-One Personalized Support. Assuming you use this feature three times per month and receive 10 minutes of mental toughness coaching each time, that’s $100.00 worth of consulting.

6.  Resources Section. Let’s say this service saves you at least two hours of research to find the right professional to help you. If we price your time conservatively at $50.00 per hour, that’s a savings of $100.00.

7.  11 Simple Games For Ballooning Your Team's Trust Book. This will set you up for an entire year of teambuilding, saving you oodles of time and effort. Over $9.97 worth of information, but in reality will be far more valuable in terms of results.

$813.64 Total Value – but worth at least ten times that in results this year if you win the biggest competition of your season!

But I am Adamant you test-drive this for free, so…

We treat you the way I wish other businesses treated me: With total respect and the attitude that “the customer is Always right.” No matter what.

"Genuine confidence is an absolute necessity if you want to reach your potential. I’ve worked with Lisa as a personal mental toughness coach and have accessed Lisa’s talents in training teams I have coached. Lisa’s work is very effective because she delivers the training at the level the clients need…and it’s the type of training that you take with you and use on a daily basis towards success. Shannon Miller"

Shannon Miller - Olympic Coach, Women’s Hockey

At my World Triathlon Championship, your words were in my head throughout the event. I kept thinking about rhythm throughout the day. When we spoke, I told you my goal was to be top 10. I finished 9th. I finished with a PR. My previous fastest time in a race of this distance was 5:47. I was hoping to go 5:45. I finished in 5:39.

I am thrilled. Another exciting part is that my husband and I finished the race together. This has never happened before. Very cool that it happened in the World Championship. You really helped!

Gail Lohman - Triathlete

This past March we made it to the gold medal match knocking off the previous OUA champs in 5 sets. Thanks to your candor, honesty, insight and advice I was prepared to coach the many different personality styles my players had and be successful. You helped me understand myself this year and what I needed to do. I am way more confident in my coaching ability – thanks so much for everything you did to help me prepare for this year.

Cal Wigston - Head Coach Men’s Volleyball University of Guelph


I am a more focused, driven, and prepared player because of the Courage to Win®. Charmaine Reid

Charmaine Reid, Olympian, Badminton

There Is Categorically No Risk. You Cannot Fail or Squander A Penny.


If you are as thrilled with your membership as I know you’ll be and elect to stay in, your credit card will automatically be charged for just $19.97 at the end of 30 days and send you an e-receipt. This way you need not worry about renewals or missing any new articles, audios, or other special events.

You can cancel at any time.

This means you hold my feet to the fire every month to provide astronomically valuable, practical how-to information and plans you can use NOW to transform yourself into a consistent, winning, mentally tough champion. We have to deliver the goods.

And I will absolutely GUARANTEE your satisfaction in two ways.

ONE: if, after getting your Welcome Kit, Bonus Gifts, and first 30 Days of your Inner Circle Membership you do not wish to continue for any reason just notify us. No questions, no waffling, no hard feelings. I know you’ll be impressed. And enthused. And eager to apply the information immediately. But you’re the judge, jury and executioner. If you’re not thrilled, cancel, and you have no obligation whatsoever.

TWO: You have NO continuous commitment either. You can cancel your monthly subscription at any time.

You also get to keep ALL the bonuses (minus Lisa’s free consulting advice) for your trouble. This is the very best guarantee I can give in fact, the next time you return something to a store, ask them if you can get a refund and still KEEP the merchandise. I think this is the best guarantee you’ll find, period.

When you click on the link below, you’ll go to our secure order page for your credit card number. Your transaction is secure your order information is transmitted using the latest SSL encryption technology.

The whole process takes just a few minutes. Once it is complete, you will be asked to create a user name and password. You will use these tolog in to the Inner Circle Exclusive Members Area and start becoming the winning, consistent, mentally tough champion you are meant to be.

There’s only one “catch” – you need to act RIGHT NOW!

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person-imgPS. Remember, you get access to your Exclusive Private Members Website IMMEDIATELY. I want you to listen to your favourite topics right away. Then relax and go out and perform in a way you never thought possible.

I promise: You WILL be amazed at the difference you experience when you are immersing yourself in mental toughness training every week that’s FUN.

We can’t be any more fair than that. So go ahead and enroll right now. You have nothing to lose but more success, more respect, and more enjoyment of your sport!