The Courage to Win® in Sport
Breakthrough Results Coaching Program
Get Coaching from Lisa Lane Brown!

This personalized Breakthrough Results 1 on 1 coaching program with Lisa will shave years off your learning curve and transform you into a confident, winning, star athlete in record time.
A 3-time World Champion in her sport, Lisa has coached over 4,200 Olympic, national team, elite, and recreational athletes from over 22 countries. She is the founder of the Courage to Win and authored more than 26 personal development audio and video training programs. Her book, The Courage to Win, has gotten rave reviews; Entrepreneur Magazine called it, “A straight forward guide to success, highly recommended.”
Your coaching program with Lisa has five specific objectives. You will learn to:
Here are the specific components of your coaching program:
Individual Assessment

You will have the opportunity to analyze and assess your current mental skills. You will discover your areas of strength and areas for improvement – a few of which will shock you. Once your assessment is complete, Lisa will develop a program that will allow you to develop breakthrough confidence, deliver peak performances, and win virtually at will.
Program Format

In the Courage to Win® 1 on 1 Breakthrough Results Coaching Program, you will meet with Lisa every week for six weeks over the phone. If you wish, you can have the calls recorded to use as a powerful resource for yourself moving forward.
Results Tracking

You will gain incredible confidence, focus, and consistency by using our results tracking system in all of your training and competitions.
Bonus Gift
The Courage to Win®
Sport ADVANCED 30 Day Program
Retail value: $197

These 4 Simple, ADVANCED Mental Toughness Secrets Will Show You How to Create Breakthrough Confidence,Start Winning Consistently, And Command Astonishing Respect in Your Sport!
Your program includes a complimentary copy of our flagship program, The Courage to Win in Sport ADVANCED 30 Day Program. Retail value: $197.00.
Summary Overview
Your 1 on 1 Breakthrough Results Coaching Program includes the following elements:

Ready to Enroll?

Genuine confidence is an absolute necessity if you want to reach your potential. I've worked with Lisa as a personal mental toughness coach and have accessed Lisa's talents in training teams I have coached. Lisa's work is very effective because she delivers the training at the level the clients need...and it's the type of training that you take with you and use on a daily basis towards success.
-Shannon Miller, Olympic Coach, Women's Hockey
Frequently Asked Questions
Answer: Psychotherapy is treating mental illness and attempts to help ill people function better. Psychiatrists can prescribe drugs. Mental toughness training is for people who want to become peak performers in their domain of performance, often sport. The Courage to Win® does not use psychotherapy or prescription drugs. We apply effective principles to build our clients’ self-esteem, confidence, courage, and focus so they can achieve the results they want.
Answer: Yes! Our clients have won competitions such as local, regional, provincial, state, and national championships; attained scholarships and starting positions on their teams; received top rankings in their leagues; received MVP awards; and even become national team members and Olympians. We have worked with clients in over 200 sports including athletics, hockey, tennis, golf, basketball, soccer, volleyball, ringette, softball, baseball, curling, and many, many more.
Answer: Three things. First, the Courage to Win® was created by a champion athlete, not an academic. The Courage to Win® founder, Lisa Lane Brown, is a 3 time World Champion in her sport who tested these strategies on herself first before sharing them with others. Second, the training has been researched, tested, refined, and proven in applied work with over 3,200 athletes in the past 19 years with incredible success. Third, it’s customized to you, allowing you to remove your performance blocks, trust yourself, and express your true genius out there.
Answer: Your program will take place over the phone, which is incredibly effective, because we record the calls for you to use as a powerful, ongoing resource. The sessions are all 50 min. Your mental toughness action assignments will be sent to you via email after each session, and your results tracking will be done online as well.
Answer: Most of our clients find that their new-found confidence and motivation enhances every part of their lives including school, work, and relationships. They have more energy, they find it easier to set and achieve goals, and communicate much more effectively.
Answer: Definitely. Confidentiality and privacy are the cornerstone of an excellent training program. We respect that you are a unique individual and honour your privacy needs.
Answer: Your first step is to email us at info@lisabrown.ca or call 403.261.2726 to set up a free, no obligation initial consultation to see if this is right for you. Simply send us an email with “I’d like a free consult” in the subject line and we’ll get right back to you to set it up. There is no cost or obligation in setting this up. If you would like to set up a program for your son or daughter, we recommend the parent do the initial consult so you can vet our services.
Answer: The fee for the entire program is $997.

Lisa, you won't believe the impact "The Courage to Win®" had on my Junior Varsity Boys High School Volleyball team (gr10-11). It seemed whenever the team was in a playoff, they just could not win. For 2 full months we worked at skills and techniques to get over that hump of not being able to win the big games. Nothing seemed to work. Here in front of me was an offer to purchase an Ebook, the exercises take only 7 days. I will be honest, I was very skeptical, but it was local to Calgary and I really did not have anything to lose, except the cost of the book! I purchased the book. In 5 minutes I walked through the visualization with them, breaking down the skill to very simple components having them see themselves performing the skill through their own eyes. In a matter of 3 weeks the team went from not being able to win when it counts to losing not being an option, and our focus the entire time was never the win, but rather playing OUR style of game. I can't say enough about how this program has positively impacted my approach to coaching.
-Corey Cowper, Volleyball Coach
Living Proof

Lori Sippel,
Olympian, Women's Softball
Have you ever heard the adage, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it"? Well, I was broke and I knew it. I knew Lisa was the person who could help me identify the root of my downward spiral. Lisa helped me "cut to the chase" and identify those things that were holding me back from attaining the mental edge I needed. Together we created a mental plan of attack that allowed me to stay empowered regardless of the circumstances.
Laura Warner,
Team Canada, Ringette
Lisa's mental toughness online program made me a 2 time World Champion. I was ready to conquer every possible distraction in international competition. I played my best, even in the most high pressure moments.

Stacy Wilson,
Olympian, Women's Hockey
Mental toughness training gives you confidence. It's helped me play well under pressure and cope with injuries. I think it's essential if you want to perform to your potential. You owe it to yourself to do mental toughness training, and Lisa Brown's work is so practical because she teaches you skills you can use right away.
Heather Rankin,
Olympic Curling Trials
With the use of Lisa’s guidance, I have learned to manage the emotions causing the stress, and I have been successful in losing 45 lbs. I have never worked with a more intelligent, talented, inspirational, and committed professional whom you gain an immediate respect and trust for. With Lisa Brown, problems are just solutions waiting to happen.

Bill Tschirhart,
National Development Coach for the Canadian Curling Association
Mental toughness training gives you confidence. It's helped me play well under pressure and cope with injuries. I think it's essential if you want to perform to your potential. You owe it to yourself to do mental toughness training, and Lisa Brown's work is so practical because she teaches you skills you can use right away.
Christine Parris Washington, Olympian, Women's Softball
After mental toughness, I am now a better player physically and mentally. I am able to apply my focus for success. The program put everything into perspective for me. Christine Parris-Washington

Cal Wigston,
Head Coach Men's Volleyball University of Guelph
This past March we made it to the gold medal match knocking off the previous OUA champs in 5 sets. Thanks to your candor, honesty, insight and adviceI was prepared to coach the many different personality styles my players had and be successful. You helped me understand myself this year and what I needed to do. I am way more confident in my coaching ability - thanks so much for everything you did to help me prepare for this year.
Leah Hepner
Figure Skating
This course is changing me. It is changing everything about my life. I have learned how human beings work…not just in sport but in life in general. I have taught my family about the things you teach me. They are mesmerized by what I read them. To understand human emotion changes the way I think and look at myself, and others around me. I am growing.

Isabelle Gysi
Lisa thank you so much for the Courage to Win! My competition was awesome. I won!!!!!! I also did a new personal best. Now my goal is to do it again at Nationals!
Shawnee Harle,
Basketball Head Coach
University of Calgary
Mental toughness has the athletes confront their Inner barriers and access their self-confidence. I'm a better coach today because I know how to look beyond the x's and o's of the game. I relate to my athletes better.

BJ Young,
Men's Wrestling
Lisa, I purchased “the courage to win” about three weeks ago. I read it thoroughly and did all the exercises numerous times. After I had a much better understanding of my anxieties and learned how to focus my energy in a positive way. I just returned from the USA high school Senior National wrestling tournament. Before your material I placed 12th in the state of NJ.I knew I was much better than that. After using your material I just placed 3rd in the country for 130lbs. senior wrestlers. Thank you so much.I will continue to use this focus for life.
Partial Client List
National Sports Centre, Calgary (all sports)
The Olympic Oval High Performance Training Centre
The Glencoe Club
University of Las Vegas Softball
The Calgary Winter Club
The National Curling Development Centre
Alberta Gymnastics
Calgary Archery
Alberta Basketball
University of Calgary CIAU Program (all sports)
The Bob Niven Training Centre
University of Duluth Hockey
University of Calgary Women’s Basketball (Dinos)
Canadian National Softball Team
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